Sing Me To Sleep

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Bare feet crossed over the doorway, wings barely making it through the doors. In he darkness, Dean's bright eyes guided them through the halls and passing the living room and dining room, Castiel couldn't help but put a stop in his step for a moment before Dean caught him and pulled his attention ahead. Walking up he stairs, wings dragging along to the inclined move, they turned the corner where Dean looked down a corridor of doors. Positive on his destination he began walking normally again.

A door opened. Dean panicked, opening he door beside him he grabbed Castiel and shoved him into it. Closing the door but leaving a crack in it, Ellen walked out of her room. "Oh. Dean, you're up." She said shocked.

"Uh, yeah. Just went for some water." He smiled nervously, but playing it out. "Why are you up?"

"Just between you and me," not really at the moment, "I cant sleep sometimes."

Dean nodded, "You're not the only one." He said. She nodded heading to the stairs, Dean turned blocking the crack in the door and turned watching Ellen go down the stairs.


"Yeah?" He said.

"Good night."

He smiled, "Good night." He turned as if he were gonna walk away and she took a step down the stairs but stopped.

"Oh, and Dean?"

He pulled back. "Yeah Ellen?"

She glanced down, "Im sorry I kept that letter for you. I truly thought I was doing you good by doing what I did."

"Its fine. You were just trying to protect me, I get it. Its," he paused, "What you do." He rephrased.

Going silent she smiled, "Good night." She said again walking down the stairs finally.

Dean let out a sigh and turned to the door, Castiel stared up at Dean from being shoved ­­ in the towel closet. Dean laughed silently to himself, "Come on." He directed as they walked down the hallway to his room. Closing the door behind them, Dean turned to Castiel facing the room. "This is my room, the girls never come in here. I don't allow them to, ever.

You'll be safe here." He stated, "I promise."

Castiel moved around the room. High ceilings and wide walls that would assure him with a good stretch in the morning. The walls were white with little drawings and engravings all around the room on the borders, simple things in the room like a drawer a door to Dean's closet, even a connection to his own bathroom and just on the corner was a door that lead to the porch tat was visible from the front of the house on second floor. It was roomy, not that scary that it didn't have horses and sheep that go wild when he went near them, and ­­new.

Dean shoved his hands in his front pockets, "I'll get you some extra blankets." He said walking out of the room momentarily to walk back in with some blankets and an extra pillow. "Here you go." He threw them on the bed, tucking the pillow under his arm. "One room for you. No attachments, no charge." He smiled. "The bed's all yours, the bathroom is right there, closet ­­ we'll work something out about that. Uh," he smiled, "Yeah. Enjoy." He turned for the door.

"Where are you going to sleep ten?" Castiel asked, "With me?"

Dean laughed, "Uh, no. I'll be across the hall, right across. Thats the guest room. The girls never go in there either because it has some things in there I don't like them touching so, they stay off of it." He nodded, "If you ever need anything, just knocked on my door and I'll get it for you. My door will be open a crack so don't be afraid to call me over. But, lightly, lightly call me over." He said reminding Cas about the people who didn't know he was there still. "Okay?" Castiel was unsure, he didn't want to be left alone in a room let alone some else's.

"You'll be fine. I'll bring you breakfast in the morning." He reassured, "You'll be fine. Promise."

Dean turned for the door again, "Will they hurt me? Like you said, if they find out?"

"Ellen and Jo? They wouldn't hurt a fly. Look." Dean turned directly to Castiel. Shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest. "You'll be fine. Ill be here in the morning before sunrise and you'll have breakfast, when the girls leave for their hour then you can come out again. Nothing will happen to you." He looked into Castiel's eyes, leaning down. "I said I promised. Okay?" Castiel stared, he wanted to say no but he nodded his head yes.

Dean smiled, "Good." He patted Castiel's shoulder unintentionally. "I'll see you in the morning." Turning for the door he looked back as he closed the door, he couldn't help but feel bad for Castiel as Castiel stood there with a helpless look on. Wings draped down in defeat, and eyes dipped with fear. He'll be fine. He'll be fine. Dean smiled one last time, a kind and sincere look, "Good night Castiel."Closing the door a pinch he walked over to the guest bedroom, and paused by the door. Letting the thought slip away from his mind of Castiel panicking and worrying himself to sleep, he walked over to he bed and sat down soon falling asleep. Castiel stood in Deans room, standing there staring at the door. Turning to the room he looked around. How lonely and scared he felt, how big the space felt compared to his old home, or the barn.

Walking over to the bed he stared down at the perfectly covered bed, pulling them back the bed was soon bare without the blankets and pillows. Taking everything out, he crawled onto the bed and looked around the room. It was empty. He felt empty. Laying on the bare mattress and pulling his wings around his curled up body like a blanket, he glanced to the doorway again thinking of the person who gave him a home and food every day that had left him yet again to his own life.

And he felt alone.

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