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Upon the rubble and the ashes, feet walked up to the forever gone barn and house. Walking along the ashes, his feet kicked some thing and he looked down. Reaching down he pulled a book from the ashes, wiping his hand across it there was an engraving on the front corner. Standing once again, he looked around and opened the book. The book was charred lightly, it was still easy to read. Flipping to the page labelled, page one, he read along. " 'My name is Dean Winchester, and this is a story about the impossible. Son of John Winchester and, I never really got to meet my mother. My father said she had the brightest of smiles, blonde hair, and the greenest of eyes. He told me that she had left to live her own life and even though they left each other, she would still come by his pub every once in a while and she'd bring her own raised seedling. He told me she was the kindest, even to the man he kicked out of his pub ­­ she gave him some money and sent him down to the market. He never really understood her, but he still loved her. But this is a different story. This is a story about how I met an angel who was raised by a kind woman and she had died, how he ended up in my barn, and it had become the best story told.

This is a story about Castiel. An angel seedling who was given to his owner by a kind mailman, my father told me when he was dying, and he had protected until he was lost then found by me. This is an tale about an angel who loved the world, and the world loved it. This ­­ is an Angel's Tale." The finder of the book closed the book and wiped off the dirt some more, flipping it over he wiped it down and looked to the front again. His gentle hazel  eyes scanning the once built house, and to the barn and the woods behind it. He smiled and turned the other way, for he was Gabriel. The kind mailman who gave up a seed to the kind woman, and the kind woman who loved the Winchester who raised an angel and it loved the son of the Winchester. Through death and life, family and love was their adversary ­ but family and love was also their strength. And all to the mailman, it was nothing but a prophecy.

And the prophecy had been lived.

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