Make It To Me

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Every one sat at the dinner table, settling in Pamela rested her hands on the table folding them together. Ellen finally sat down and Castiel settled in a chair infront of Dean at the corner, Castiel at the front of the table.

"Alright­­." Dean started.

"Do you mind if I speak Grace?"

Dean stared, "Uh, we don't usually­­."

"I know, I just was thinking that maybe we could in thanks for this wonderful dinner here." Pamela smiled to Ellen.

"Religion is not really our things, neither is faith." Dean stated.

"But Hope is." Pam corrected and she pulled her hands apart and held it out to Jo and Castiel, "Shall we?"

Jo and Castiel connected hands with Pam as Jo held Ellen's hand and Cas and Ellen held their hands out to Dean, Dean stared at their hands out to him and everyone stared him down like he was doing some thing wrong.

"It wouldn't hurt this once." Pam joked. Dean sighed and took their hands, finishing the circle.

Pamela smiled, "Now." She mumbled, "To those who listen," every one bowed their heads as Castiel looked around the group. Dean didn't bow his head, he ... wasn't the praying type. "Thank you for this fresh food, this family, and a house over our heads. Thank you for the bonding of these souls, and thank you for this love."

Dean stared at Castiel, and Cas looked back.

"Bond these souls and make them one, make this family rise and know what truly lies in their hearts. Even if the weight gets heavy, and the battle ground fogs up ­­." Dean and Castiel stared into each other's eyes, and souls. Listening to every word like it was their vows.

"If the blood pours out and our souls are pulled away, love is a stronger force than life. And in that, thank you." Pamela and the rest lifted their heads and nodded, she smiled around the table. "Now, we eat." She chimed as she gestured towards Dean and Castiel's direction where they stared to each other and let their arms drop from sight but not their clasped hands together. She smiled but continued to eat.

Pamela had finished her dinner soon and handed over the gifts of her necklaces and braces that gave and represented good luck, leaving the basket to them and getting her coat she thanked the family and walked to the door. Ellen and Jo said their good byes, as Castiel and Dean walked up with their hands connected behind their backs.

Pamela looked up at the two and pulled their hidden hands into hers, "Love will bring strengths and weaknesses," brushing her gentle lips to their hands, she kissed their knuckles and patted their hands. "You just have to know where your heart lies between them." Smiling to them, she walked to the door and gave her goodbye. Waving to the house, she disappeared into the night.

Ellen and Jo went to clean up and Dean tucked Castiel into his bed, placing the music box on the night stand he stood up. Castiel sitting up, "Dean?"


Castiel held out his hand and Dean took it sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Cas' hands between his he kissed the back of his hand. He ran his hand through Cas' hair and kissed his forehead.

"Go to sleep." He whispered as he kissed his forehead again.

Castiel wrapped his arm on Dean's neck and held him there, "Will you sleep with me?"

"I need to put some things away, then I'll come to bed. Promise." He said rubbing his thumb on Castiel's sharp cheekbone. He entangled their fingers together and squeezed lightly, Castiel smiled and Dean reflected it back.

"Go to sleep, alright?" Laying back down, Dean turned off the light and walked to the door. Leaving it open enough to slip in and out of the room, he walked across the hall and into the other room.

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