A Wait That Lasts Forever

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As time went on, the two always went to the seed at sunrise and sunset watering the hidden seed and never seeing a little head pop out from the soil yet. Days after days, week after week, the seed was hidden under the soil. Mary began to lose faith. It was a false seed, it was broken and recked beyond the point of handling. She still woke up every morning with Samantha to water the seed and every time they would water the seedling, Samantha would look at the empty spot with a little less hope every day.

Waking up one day, Samantha ran into her mother's cot and pulled her to her feet mumbling and screaming words and confusing things. Pulling her mother's arm until she got her shoes on. Mary worried for the worse. Running up the hill and towards the tree where the seed was planted, Samantha was kneeling over the plant. Slowly Mary walked over, heart aching to the scene of her daughter bent over the seed that hadn't been sprouting. Putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder, Samantha looked up with a smile instead of sorrow. Pulling back Mary stared down at the spot where the plant had been planted ­­ it began sprouting.

Samantha crouched touching the delicate bud, tiny and fragile, she smiled to the seed that would soon be her brother or sister. Mary couldn't help but laugh in relief to this seedling that had nearly given her the scare. She thought she would have to explain that some seeds don't make it, that some aren't meant to sprout and grow. But the seed was fine. It began sprouting, but something seemed extremely off about it.

Summer soon came and the plant didn't seem to grow like the others. The other people's seedlings already had a bud and leaves where they showed the bud growing heavy and fat, but not theirs. Their sprouting flower was weak, flimsy at times, and not a single leaf grew on its body. The bud was tiny but enough to show, and Mary worried about the little bud as much as Samantha began to notice that something was wrong with the flower. It didn't look like it would be able to survive when autumn came.

Autumn soon became the atmosphere and buds were blooming and babies were born ­­ but the bud that Mary had planted. Mary would catch Samantha sitting by the tree reaching down to feel the heat of the seed in the morning after they had watered it, telling Samantha not to worry about the seedling, started to wear the two of them out. Just as autumn came around the corner, so did sickness. Mary grew sick.

Every morning she would wake weaker but still had the stamina and will to go with Samantha up the hill to water the little seed, and every time they would the bud grew only a few sixteenths. Time passed only lightly and Mary was sick in bed. Unable to water the flower at sunrise and sunset, she sent Samantha to water the flower only to see that the flower hadn't bloomed yet. Days passed and Mary felt weak to the point of death, she knew her life was soon to pass. With the gentled patient help of the growing Samantha, they walked up to the flower and with Mary's last giving kiss of love and happiness, in the last nights of autumn and touch of life ­­it bloomed.

Like everything her mother told her, Samantha began raising this little seedling of a child. With its white, soft skin. Black and slick hair, and every time it opened its eyes ­­a radiant and electric blue shone before her. Fed every day, bathed when needed, and kept in the home the little baby boy began to grow with the thought of love. Love is what grows a seedling, but after a while a seedling stops growing if the love fades or the owner dies. Living a human life, the seedling is nothing but a human life.

Growing and growing, Samantha watched as the little seedling took his first step and mumbling his first words. Things started to change. Samantha noticed the marks on the baby's back, bumps on its back but the baby felt no pain when she touched the bumps and soothed them. Sam feared for the worse. She went to John. Telling him ­­he panicked. Not for the health of the child ­­but for protection of the child.

John told her to hide him, that he should never see the light even if he was curious. He was forbidden. An outcasted seedling that would be damned to death if caught, and so would Samantha if she wasn't to keep the child, Castiel, out of town and out of the townspeople's reach and view. They would kill them both on spot if they knew what she held. Castiel is a forbidden seed. An angel seedling.

Castiel was kept inside. He began growing bigger, his wings growing faster. His blue eyes became electric and his height was soaring, body developing large fingers, a handsome and angled jaw, tousled hair, even though combed every morning, and a curious look to his world. Every morning he would wake to watch the sun rise from inside the house, he wasn't allowed outside, but Samantha knew he liked to stretch his wings in the morning. So every morning, before anyone woke, Samantha would let Castiel walk around outside herding the sheep out and letting him graze.

He'd watch the sunrise just before he'd have to go in. Milking the sheep, getting dry wood for the fire, getting water by the river, collecting berries from the bushes by the woods, and exploring just in sight of Samantha. Normally she would make him hold her hand, even if he was a young boy, he didn't mind the connection. Walking along he would watch the birds flutter around in the skies and dance on the branches, stretching his wings a few times, then he would sit down and poke at the grass and look at the bugs and insects that flew by. He'd catch a butterfly or two, but he'd let them go after they tickled his palms and danced across his fingers.

Castiel wasn't allowed in the town, Samantha didn't let him. Whenever she went into town he would have to stay in the house. Clean, separate the cheese, rise the bread ­­ anything but outside. Samantha was extra careful of it.

Samantha grew as well. Once a young lady was then a young woman. Then a woman, and soon... an elder. Castiel started to slow down on growing as he held a kind, young face of a young man but Samantha started to age quickly as time passed.

She would tell him stories of their mother he never got to meet, how beautiful she was and the things that would do. Time seemed to pass and Samantha was bed written, Castiel held her hand as she began growing weaker and in her last moment of happiness and love to Castiel ,Castiel's wings grew to its full length.

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