Castiel, Dean. Dean, Castiel

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That night Dean had brought in the horses and the sheep like he always did, and he looked up at the second level. Castiel's wings in sight as the top of Castiel's head peered over the ledge only to disappear. Letting out a sigh, Dean's eyes caught on the basket he had put up for Castiel. Walking over after locking the stables, he reached up and looked inside. The napkins were gone, the milk bottle was empty, and the food was eaten. Dean looked up again. They had acknowledgment  each other. Thats what mattered.

Dean walked out of the stable, leaving the door open again. Castiel looked over the ledge to the house, seeing the front door open again as Dean came towards the barn. Castiel hid. Dean was soon out of the barn again closing the doors with him and leaving Castiel there, he looked over the ledge. Reaching down in the darkness, his fingers touched something soft. Grabbing it lightly and pulling it up he looked at it with the light shining in from the moon outside. A blanket.

It was soft and long. Big enough to cover his wings if he wanted go, pulling it closer it smelt like spices and ­­ lavender. The smell of home. Of Samantha and the house, of the yard, and the tree she would bring him to and told him that she was born from under the tree and so was he. It reminded him of what peace and happiness felt like, what love was. Laying down on the uncomfortable level, he pulled the blanket over him and pulled it close. It felt warm, safe, safer than it had been in a long time. To top it all off, the moon and wind gave him a night light to sleep with and a song to fall asleep to.

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