Soft As Thunder

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"Note one, Castiel is learning. I showed his the piano and the notes, how they're read. Though he just bang on the notes sometimes just to hear the sound he knows thats there are different sounds, clashing sounds, solos, and chords. He's learning more and more. I showed a book of birds because I noticed he would watch them if they prop up on the window or ledge of the porch, he didn't say much but he took the book in response and looks at it sometimes whenever a bird flies by."

"Note four, Castiel took care of the sheep. Without me telling him he took the sheep out in the morning and watched them graze around. One of the sheep are pregnant, Castiel knew. He walked up to her and treated her kindly, he touched her sides often and smiled but said nothing more. Every once in a while he would say one worded answers but he wasn't comfortable enough to speak, but enough to stand near me. He's becoming understandable through his silence."

"Note eleven, Castiel took interest in the books in the study room. Though we didn't have enough time to stay and read in the morning, I brought him some books and though he was slow to reading and understanding words ­­ he finished all of the books in a matter of 3 days. He's smart, though math wouldn't have been his best educational subject, he is still learning with what he can use."

"Note twenty nine, Castiel learned about the planets and the stars. He asked me about the moon and why it would come at night, what I told him is that it comes at night because we moved around it every day even if we stood still...."

"Note thirty six, Castiel learned Fur Elise by Beethoven. The full composition along with memorizing the notes and pitches, being able to change key and still have the same beautiful sound. He's learning quicker..."

"Note fifty three, Castiel approached a wounded doe in the woods. Watching and slowly nearing it, he brought it here and asked of me to fix it. Cleaning and dressing the wound, Castiel let it back into the woods..."

"Note sixty eight, Castiel grew. His wings grew an inch longer and started growing brighter blue dots on the tips. Though he still does not let me near them I watch them when he is working. They tell his emotions. When he is scared or cold, they

tremble. When he is happy, they lift up. When he is angry, they pull closer to him...."

"Note seventy nine. They found Castiel."

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