Hiding Castiel

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Like Dean had promised, he woke up an hour before sunrise. Getting up he put on his boots and tugged on his shirt, creeping to Castiel's door he pushed it open and peeked in. The blankets all over the floor in a pile and Castiel tangled in his wings on the bed. Dean couldn't help but stare. The way Castiel was curled into his own wings like a baby nestled into he womb of their mother, his wings draped over him in blankets. He would imagine they were heavy but enough to keep him warm, walking over he stopped by the bedside and lightly tapped Castiel's black wings.

"Castiel." He whispered. He didn't move, deep in sleep.

Dean placed his hand on Castiel's wing, "Cas?" With gentle flutters of his eyes, he moved as his wings flowed over his body like water over rocks. His eyes fell on Dean, being too close ­­ he jerked back.

"Sorry." Dean stepped back watching Castiel sit up with his wings still dressed like hanging cloth. "Sunrise is in an hour, he girls get up then. Come on, Ill get you breakfast." He said gesturing to the door as Dean walked to it and waited for the sluggishly moving angel to get off the bed and walk along.

Walking down the hall Dean paused by Ellen and Jo's door, peeking in to their sleeping forms he closed the door silently and they both passed it quickly down the stairs. Dean pushed into the kitchen first.

"Do you want the usual?" He turned but there was no one there. "Cas?" He had found Castiel lingering by the music room, a grand opening with an arching doorway that lead into a white room with long windows and draping curtains. A black grand piano in the center on a rug, untouched and yet cleaned. Castiel wondered about the vast object, staring with wonder and amazement.

"Cas? Come on, Im making breakfast for you." Castiel glanced to Dean then pointed to the piano without a word.

Dean stared, "The piano?" He stared like he had just learned a new word, and he did.

Dean scoffed, "Don't tell me you haven't learned anything about a piano before? Do you even know what it does?" He swayed his head no.

Dean stared at Castiel then to the piano, "Come on. Ill show you." He mumbled walking over to the piano and closed the doors after them, opening up the top and putting up the stand he sat down and looked to Castiel. "Come. Sit." He patted the bench next to him but Castiel didn't sit, he stood behind him. "A piano places music. Do you know what music is?"


"Okay, so. It plays music by being hit my a club on the inside. Watch, look inside." Dean pointed to the internal body of the piano, leaning over Castiel stared at a bunch of strings and ties. "Here, look." Dean pointed at a string inside, "Here." Watching it, Dean strung a middle C and Castiel only leaned closer to this amazing contraption. Dean smiled to Castiel amazement. "There are, on this piano, 88 keys. Black and white. And all of them make different sounds. Listen." Dean touched an octave down C and the middle C to the higher C's. Castiel walked around to where Dean sat, staring at his hands he watched.

"Do you know composers?"

The angel stared.

"Mozart? Pachelbell? Bach? Strauss?"

He just stared like Dean was insane.

"Just ­­ listen then." And his fingers took him out of the world, and into a song. The music notes playing clearly in his head. ' D A D F#, A E A C#, B F# B D, F# C# F# A', on and on until the notes faded into the background of Dean's mind. Pachelbell's Canon in D. Castiel's amazed expression spread as he looked into the piano hearing the sound of the contraption Dean called a piano. Castiel rounded the corner of the piano as he sat down on the bench beside Dean, staring at Dean's playing fingers and moving arms. Dean forced his eyes forward on the piano as

Castiel leaned in watching the movement of the piano and Dean's hands.It was almost amazing to watch, from the corner of his eye, how Castiel leaned in to the piano, how he listened to the song echo through the room, how his wings tapped Dean's back when he leaned forward, when Castiel sat back down he could feel Castiel's extreme body heat and the heat radiating from his wings. The tickle of a smile on his lips as he leaned every time there was a new played note and sound.

Dean didn't want to move from his spot, he didn't want to move away from Castiel's wings or his body heat. He didn't want to stop playing just to watch Castiel's expression change, but he had to get Castiel food and back to the room.An hour later Ellen soon woke up and started her normal work. Preparing food and setting it on the table. Jo woke up after to Ellen calling her down the stairs to start working around, only to be followed by Dean.

Getting down the stairs and into the kitchen Ellen flashed a smile. "Good morning Dean. How was your sleep?"He shrugged as she placed down the rest of the plates of food.

"It was good. You?"Ellen normally made the usual. Eggs over easy, apple freshly picked from the orchard in the back yard, cheese from the sheep along with milk, banana muffins, and other fruits freshly from the gardens.

She smiled, "Slept like a baby." Jo walked into the room just then with a bucket full of ginger pulled from the garden in the back.

"Good morning." She chimed.

"Morning'." Dean mumbled drinking his milk.

"Dean, where do I put the ginger?

"Dean cleared his throat, "Just wash them in the sink downstairs and put them in a different bucket. Ellen'll be down to check if they're good."She nodded heading downstairs. Ellen turned to the sink and counter, cleaning it off.


"Hmm?" Dean muffled stuffing his mouth with eggs.

"Were you up this morning?"He nearly choked on the eggs.

He coughed, gulping away the eggs. "Why do you ask?" He drank. She shrugged, "This morning I could've sworn I heard someone playing in the music room." She shrugged it off, "Guess it was just me." She smiled turning to the counter.He sunk his shoulders. That was close, he has to be more quieter in the morning then if he gonna be sneaking around.

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