It's So Hard

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Dean walked into the kitchen to Ellen cooking supper, walking around and behind her he smudged as kiss on her cheek and smiled.

She laughed and looked to him, "What's gotten into you?"

He shrugged as he plucked a grape from it's collection, "I don't know, I'm just, I'm just me." He corrected.

She nodded, "I can see that." Smiling she went back to cutting the tomatoes fresh from the gardens. "Castiel's been playing that music box quite often. Seems like he liked the sound of it."

Dean smiled, "Yeah, Pamela had said something about keeping it because he'll need it."

"She's a strange woman."

"She's a psychic." Ellen stared.

"Witches and Psychic's aren't the same, don't worry." He stated using Pam's words.

She slowly went back to cooking, "And to think we let all types of things come in here. Psychics and angels, what a world we live in." She mumbled swaying her head.

"What a world indeed." There was a knock on the front door, the two looked up and then to each other.

Dean patted her arm, "Continue cooking. I'll go." He said as he neared the front door, opening it he looked to the worried and rushed Pamela. "Pam, what are you doing here?"

"I came as quick as I could." She said out of breath. Ellen peeked from out of the kitchen.

"Ellen, get her a glass of water." Dean instructed as he brought Pamela inside and sat her in the living room. "Why are you here­­?"

"Where is Castiel?" She asked.

Dean looked confused, "He's in the music room with Jo­­."

"The town pulled in a town meeting but the Mayor specifically called that you weren't invited, you or your people."

Dean stood up, "What?"

"Sit down." Pam pulled him back down. "Listen." She said as he sat back down and stared into his eyes, Ellen walking in with the glass of water as Pam took a drink.

"Did you know they called a town meeting?" He asked Ellen.

She stared, "They called a meeting? When?"

"They wouldn't have allowed it, every one in town but the Winchester house hold were allowed." Pamela instructed. "I was there, I had to go because it was ordered that everyone went."

"Well, what happened?"

"Where is Castiel? If he hears this he will only worry and do the worst." She worried.

"Jo and Castiel went up to the library again, why? What's wrong?" Ellen asked.

Pamela held out her hand, and Ellen sat next to her. "The town is planning a horrible thing, I suggest you pack up what you can ­­ get out of this house as quick as you can­­."

"Why? Is there some thing you're not telling us?" Dean asked, his voice starting to rise in anger.

"The town plans on attacking the house." The two froze.

"If you surrender Castiel, they will leave you alone and burn Castiel. But if you don't they will burn the house and every thing in it. Including Castiel." Dean stared.

"That's insane, how could the town think of that?" Ellen questioned.

Pamela swayed her head, "Get Castiel and make sure he is safe, please." Pamela asked and Ellen rushed off. She turned to Dean, "You must get him out of here soon, there's not enough time to explain. They plan on bringing then entire town, you can not fight the whole town ­­."

"Not if I can help it." Dean stood up.

Pam followed, "You can't. It's impossible, I've thought of all the solutions but I found none that were true." She took his face in her hands forcefully, "You must run away from here, run with the rest and take what you can. There is no way you can survive if you stay here with him."

He pulled his face from her hands, "I'm not gonna give up my home that my father built so he could house and raise his children­­."

"I understand that, but you can't believe to survive if you stay here. It's a war with one man against a whole colony."

"Then be it." Dean said opening the door to the living room, "I'll fight on my own."

"You don't understand, you must get­­." A stone shattered through the front window and both of them covered their eyes, Dean pulled Pam out of the room. Nearing the window, he looked out ­­ to the whole town right on his door step. A bright glow of fire on their torches, Pam was right.

There was no way out.

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