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(Inspired by classic rock artist Donovan's song "Atlantis". Check it out on youtube!!)

Every morning Dean woke up Castiel before sunrise and they would have breakfast. Dean would go out to the barn early with Castiel following, and Dean would let Castiel help lead the sheep out to the fences and even guide them around if he went past the fence and just walked. He was a true shepherd, and those were his little sheep. Dean had watched on several occasions where Castiel would, one by one, pet the sheep and when Castiel had to go back to the room the sheep would just bleat loudly and were happy when they were left grazing the grass for a couple of hours more.

The girls didn't say anything, or know, but soon started noticing more things than usual. The food disappearing more often, Deans hidden more in his room, more quiet on his daily life and his didn't really strike up a conversation with the ladies unless it was something about the house or something a neighbor had said... but that was normally not the case considering they made them selves secluded in their house and their business. Regarding what they thought, they didn't know that Castiel was in the house. They didn't know that Dean had even invited a guest in.

One morning Dean walked into the kitchen where Ellen was setting down a plate of bread. She didn't smiled, she didn't turn. "Good morning." She mumbled, face full of seriousness.

Dean paused, "Something wrong?"

She stared at him honestly, "Another letter came in from the Mayor." Dean clenched his jaw. His dad. Correction, his DYING dad.

She reached into her apron and held out the letter, Dean stared at it for the moment and grabbed it gingerly. "I know its hard at this time but, I think it'd be best if you just ­­ did what needed to be done."

Dean placed the letter in front of him. "Ellen, you can take your hour off." He mumbled sentencing Ellen to her hour break, "Take two hours this time." He insisted sitting there. She nodded walking over to him.

"Tell Jo she has her break too." Ellen kissed the top of Dean's head, though she was a slave, as they say in these days, to him she was also almost family. She squeezed his shoulder as Dean clasped his hand over hers on his shoulder, soon walking away to gather up Jo and their things for their two hour break. Walking off Dean hung his head and closing his eyes, sighing he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes once again calling out.

"Castiel!!" He yelled, voice echoing in the empty halls. "Castiel!! Come down here!!" There was silence but something flickered in Dean's sight, turning his head to the door way Castiel's hand stuck around the corner and he peek the side of his head in watching with his icy eyes. He looked forward, "The girls are gone for two hours. You can walk around." Castiel stepped out from hiding, looking into the kitchen. Wings drawn to his back loosely, hair ruffled wildly, and his clothes still ripped from having them a long time.

Dean gestured to the food on the table, "Suit yourself." Fumbling over he sat on the other side of the table, eating in silence he finally looked up at the troubling Dean with his head in his hands. Putting down his hands his wings twitched as he stared at Dean, he looked up.


The angel tilted his head, "You're bothered."

"Oh. Its nothing. You don't have to worry about it." He trailed off, "Everyone just thinks that I cant do anything for myself and that I need to be reminded what I have to do." He sighed, "Its just." Dean scoffed, "Its nothing, its just a family thing."

"Family?" Castiel said as if the word was just new to him.

"Yeah. Family." He mumbled. "You know, the people you love and they love you back." Castiel's stare lessened as he looked to the letter in front of Dean. Dean looked down at it and let out a sigh.

"Hey Cas, why don't you finish up and hang around the house. Ill clean up." With an obeying nod, he stood up with his wings behind him close and he disappeared into the hall. Sitting there Dean finally took the envelope into his hand and opened it, reading along he bit his nails and dropped his hand. Staring at completely nothing, his mind was blank without the emotions he wanted to ball up into anger. He wanted to scream and yell, throw things, ruin everything. There was nothing. Nothing he could create out of an empty mind and still thoughts, he was ... empty.

There was a fit of noise from the hallway as Dean leaned back looking down the hall, "Cas?" He called. Getting up he began down the hall, looking through the rooms, "Cas?" He called again stopping by the music room. The fit of noise ­­ was piano keys.

Dean didn't speak, just watched. Shuffling around he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, and the pencil he kept. Watching Castiel, he began writing down little notes. This could be something, something Dean could keep for himself. A book of something. A journal of the angel.

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