Spare Me

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The leaves whizzed by as the commoner lifted up she shirt she was washing from the stream and rubbed it against the washer, scrubbing it down, she rinsed it again in the stream and another woman came by her. Giving her another bucket of fresh water she stood up and wiped her brow, they had been working all morning to cleaning their clothes. Folding the drying clothes, she could hear the trotting of a horse nearing. The two ducked, but were curious to who was walking by on their horses. They looked up.

The handsome young man that owned the ranch and farm out in the west of the woods was on his horse again, it had been some time since he had taken the horses out for a walk. He took care of them well, but he didn't ride them because of his riding accident a while back. Standing up to wave a hand, they both stopped. Behind the young man on his horse riding with him ­­ was a beast. It's back covered in wings, it's head resting on the young man's back. It's eyes closed as it's face shown to them, it didn't open it's eyes to them.

They both ducked in fear of this horrible creature. The trotting soon disappeared into the distance the the woman cleaned up their buckets and clothes, they feared for their lives. Darting across the fields and passed the houses they got to the town and were out of breath. Into the pubs they had told what they just had seen. A handsome young man on his horse with the devil on his back. No one believed them. But many ­­ listened.

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