Get Out Alive

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Dean had watched his land like he was a hunter looking for a deer standing in the woods. He would look out the window and peer across the land towards the town, eying the road that came down his way. He would watch it constantly when he would pass a window, making sure no one was to come down the same road he was watching and capture the truth about the house.

Some times, in the morning, he'd let Castiel roam in the fields but then he'd pull him back in the moment he could see a speck of sun over the horizon, they had to keep the secret of Castiel when the town was keeping them under good watch. Dean knew that. He knew that the town wouldn't let off very easy, that they would stick their noses deeper into the business just to see some one burn for their wrongs. Dean stood in the living room, pulling apart his shot gun and cleaning it down. Castiel leaned in as he observed the work that Dean had been doing. Dean flicked his gaze up, "What?" He shot.

Castiel just stood silent as he watched. "You said they would leave us alone."

"They are." Dean said rubbing down the barrel of the gun.

"Then why do you have that? It's ­­ dangerous."

He glanced up and grabbed another piece to clean, "You can never be too safe with these sort of things." He cleaned off the mussel, "You have to be on the safe side." He insisted. Castiel went quiet. Dean continued cleaning.

Ellen showed up in the doorway, "The kitchen's clean and everything's locked and closed tightly." She stated.

"Thank you Ellen."

"It wasn't all my work. Jo gave a hand."

Dean smiled, "Head down to the town, take a break."

She nodded and smiled to Castiel, "Take care of his Castiel." She joked and disappeared.

He turned back to Dean, watching his work on his shot gun and glance up some times. "You're still here."

Cas shrugged, "There's nothing else to do."

"Read a book."

"I've read them all though."

"Well, then ­­ play music down stairs."

"I'll be lonely if I do."

"Then sleep." He suggested.

"I only sleep with you, Dean."

Dean sighed, rubbing his nose with the back of his wrist. "Then what are you going to do? Watch me until there's some thing amusing to find?" He stared.

Dean pinched the bridge of his nose, "Look, why don't you head over to the attic and I'll see if I have any more books up there." He suggested and Castiel filed out of the room. Dean soon found himself following the hall to the attic, seeing the door had been left open he looked up to the stairs. "Cas?" He called as he walked up the stairs, he stopped at the top.

"Cas?" There was nothing but silence. "Cas?" There was a small sound of a wind up toy being pushed, and Dean turned in it's direction.

"Cas? You over there?" He began in it's direction. "Cas?" The music only got louder, the sound of a music box going off. It was playing a song he was used of hearing, but it had been such a while since it pronounced in his ears. He stopped his feet from moving any longer, and stared down. Great big wings held themselves up and twitched to the caught cob webs and dust in them as Castiel was bent over a music box, watching it go off and listening he was amused by how it worked. The song hit an end where it would play again, it was a short melody of a lullaby but it was nothing that stopped Castiel from turning it in his hands.

"Careful with that." Dean said as he knelt down by Castiel and took the music box before he could drop it. "This has sentimental value."

"What's that?"

"It's important to me." He restated, "Where'd you find this any ways?"

"I was walking and I kicked a box by accident, and I started to hear a sound from a box."

"Which one?"

Castiel pointed to the box with the flaps that had been opened by him.

Dean held the music box in Castiel's face, staring into his eyes. "Cas, you can't poke around in people's privacy. Especially this." Dean went to stand up but Castiel grabbed his wrist.

"Wait." He called, "This ­­ box, how does it play music?" He asked as Dean crouched back down.

"It's a music box, it turns in a circle and plays music from the inside." Dean stated, "See?" Dean clicked open the latch and they both stared into the box, there was a tiny rotating slide and a tiny motor. "It moves when this thing hits this." He pointed to the tiny fork inside that would hit a bar whenever the fork latched onto it. He closed it.

"Wait, play it." Castiel asked watching Dean's big green eyes. "Can you play it again?"

"Sure." Dean's voice trailed off.

"Open it."

Dean unlatched the box again and twisted the handle, winding it up he let go and it slowly played again. This time it played louder, happier. Castiel stared into the box as the fork hit the bars making the sounds, Dean stared at the amazement on Castiel's face. It was like when he first had gotten the box as a present. He wasn't much into it though, his uncle gave it to him and he didn't understand why until he passed away. Ever since then the music box had meant some thing more to him, but he couldn't ever listen or look at the thing again. Lost in a box some where, he yearned to find it ­­ but didn't want to see it ever again.

The song ended and Castiel looked back at Dean, "Can you play it again?"

Dean glanced to the box then back to Cas, "Look, how about this?" Dean pulled Castiel's hand out and placed the box in his hand. "This music box means the world to me, my uncle Bobby gave it to me months before he passed away and it reminds me too much of him but ­­ I want you to have it, so that you can have something to remember this place by." Castiel looked at Dean like he was something created from the gods and they just handed him free life and eternity.

"It's a gift. From me to you." Dean smiled warmly. He hadn't smiled in for what seemed like forever.

Cas looked into Dean's eyes, "Thank you Dean."

He nodded, "Anything for you."

With out warning Castiel brushed forward and kissed Dean's soft lips, pulled into a sudden embrace of gentleness he only had the reaction to kiss back. Like kissing the very feathers on his back, his lips were soft and comforting but he only craved more from this innocent celestial being. His hands placed themselves on the back of Castiel's neck and the lower indent of his back, forcing himself to push away the sudden craving to searching and hunting every part of Cas' body ­­ he let his head lean against the side of Castiel's face and mumbled into his ears while his hands wrapped under his wings gently.

He closed his eyes, "Why can't I just love you?" Dean asked into Castiel's ear but not intention to Castiel answering, the question was more of a side comment to himself out loud.

Castiel pressed his right palm on the hill of Dean's shoulder around his back, it burned his shoulder with heat. Turning his

face into Dean's more, he was pressing Dean's head into the nape of his neck gently to a gesturing and loving motive. Pressing his forehead into Castiel's neck and inhaling the pure scent of his angel, he closed his eyes again and held the other side of Castiel's neck with his hand. He kissed the pulse running through Castiel's throat. "Why can't we just be normal?" Cas' wing closest to the leaning Dean wrapped itself around the cradling man, and only gave in more heat to sulk in.

Twisting the music box again, the music went off ­­ and they listened

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