Understand Me

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The barn door opened the next morning and this time Castiel was waiting for the door to open. Dean walked in, let the sheep out. Fed the horses. Let the horses out. And walked back out leaving the barn door open again to go to the house momentarily. This time Castiel leaned down over the ledge and looked to the house, with a gentle step he jumped down with the blanket still on his head dragging on the floor. He peered around the door and looked around. The horses pen to the left corner, along with the sheep' s pen closest to the barn with a road between the two pens. Then he looked up at the house.

It was big. Painted white, a lantern that lit the porch at night. Curtains are always drawn before anyone is really awake in the house, the road before it is stone but then the road fades into dirt once it's off the porch and past the grass lawn. He looked back up to the house. Massive in height and size, the Column's held up the front roof like it would to any house he's passed, but there was something different about the house. The front porch was surrounded in flowers and the oak trees on the lawn were well grown and unbothered. It seemed ­­ nice and peaceful in the house instead of busy and reckless.

The front door opened as Dean came out again. The blanket on Castiel's head as he peeked around the door, being seen by Dean he ran back up to the second level just as Dean came into the barn. Dean saw Castiel's wing go over the hay stacks and disappear but only to see a head pop out and duck, it was funny seeing a creature so big in wing span hide from someone who was so tiny compared to him. Putting the basket on the hook like he had done the day before, he looked down. The blanket. Kneeling down and picking it up, he glanced up to see two eyes looking down at him. He rose to his feet.

He held out the blanket by hand. Castiel ducked but after a moment he looked back over the ledge, Dean still held the blanket up. Still holding a gentle look and offered the blanket in peace, Castiel glanced to the blanket. Slowly he pulled himself to the ledge, pulling his arm out he slowly and gently reached down. Face fully exposed, shoulders in view to Dean, arms and hands where Dean could see. Taking grasp of the blanket, Castiel's eyes shook to the blanket and to Dean several times.

Dean's eyes glistened as he watched this scared angel reach down and take his offering of a blanket back, watching his carefulness and security stay up. Examining the look on Castiel's face, the awe in his blue, electric eyes. Taking the blanket in hand Castiel disappeared over the ledge just as quick, only to glance over again. Dean held up the basket this time. Gleaming at the basket at hand and Dean's softly smile­pressed face, Castiel reached down and grabbed the handle of the basket. Gently this time he raised up the basket and put it on the second level, sitting up he looked over the ledge. Wings folded by his sides, hair tousled and a mess, eyes watching and bright, as Dean looked up watching he walked back to the house leaving the barn door open. He was gonna come back.

Castiel jumped down looking past the barn door again, looking around at the sky and the roads that lead to everywhere in the woods. The door opened, Castiel jumped back up only to have Dean getting that little glimpse of his wing disappearing behind the hay stack. Dean sat down on the other side of the barn where he could see the top level very easily, sitting down on a hay stack he pulled up his knee and laid down a book of paper on his knee. Castiel looked over the hay stacks to Dean.

Dean would glance up sometimes, but then looked back down at his paper. Stray marks turned into hay patterns, dark smudges turned into shadows, and little hills turned into the tops of wings. Dean drew Castiel up in the hay stacks. Castiel watched Dean from up on the level but when Dean wasn't ,he circled around on the second floor and silently but noticeably he walked around the second floor above the stables ­­ and above Dean. Looking down over his shoulders, Castiel stared to the drawing in Dean's hands. Dark lines and light marks had become guide lines to the second floor and its railing off to the side, a ladder was placed just beside where Castiel would always stick his head out. The spot where the basket would hang was there, the hay stacks where they correctly were there, the windows behind the hay stacks, and two little black hills that reflected the light were there.

Leaning down a bit more, his head was just under the second level where a stray hay fell down onto Dean's drawing. Looking Dean heard a huge crash as Castiel pulled back and the empty buckets he'd use for extra supply hit the floor bouncing until it came to a stop. He laughed, a smile to his lips. Looking back up the very tip of Castiel's wings fell over the edge as Castiel's back was the the ledge, placing down the drawing paper and pencil Dean stepped up onto the hay stacks and reached up. The feather glided over his finger as Castiel's wing reacted by being pulled up out of reach as Dean smiled still staring up, Castiel stared over the ledge to Dean. Smiling up at Castiel, he stepped and took his drawn page with him.

He paused though. Putting down half the undrawn pages, he left the pencil on top and looked up. Castiel stared  at the paper and pencil for a while until Dean moved, taking his leave he looked back into the barn as Castiel sat up in plain sight. Closing the door with a smile as he watched Castiel, he left the barn door open just a tiny bit. He ran over to the door. Watching Dean's back until he disappeared into the house, he turned back to the pages. Picking up the pencil, he looked to the barn door and to the paper again. Sitting down on the hay like Dean had done, Castiel pulled up one knee and put the paper on it. Some pages fell, others stood but Castiel drew a mark over the page. He stared at the pencil, this mystic thing that created a mark. He made another mark, and another, and another, and another. Until it all became a mess, but to him, it looked like something.

The next morning Dean handed Castiel the basket again and Castiel took it. This time he didn't sit behind the hay, but beside it. Eating his food he kept his eyes on his wings to not look at Dean, Dean watched him sketching down pictures again. Of Castiel sitting beside the hay stacks, wings up beside him, eating away at the bread and drinking the milk, light shining behind him, and eyes sparking on him. After finishing his food, he slowly crept around above Dean on the second level and peered down at the art Dean had made. Castiel's wings looked soft in the picture, he wondered if they really did look like that to Dean. His eyes were almost clear in the picture and his hair was a mess, reaching up his patted his hair down scowling to how his hair looked to Dean.

Is that how Dean really saw Castiel? A fluffy winged, ruffled haired, light eyed angel? It seemed. The day passed on and morning came again as Dean pulled the door open doing his morning routine, putting the basket down he let out the animals and paused. Something was off. Someone. Castiel wasn't up on the second level. Sheep fleeted from inside the barn still, walking over to the stable he had thought he emptied had two sheep still lingering and wing­spread, light smiling face Castiel stood on the window sill. Looking up his face dropped from a smile and panic set in, he rocketed out.

"No. Wait." Dean tried to call but Castiel was back on second floor before he could finish. He sighed. Putting the basket on the hook as Castiel peered down, he left to the door and left it open half way. He didn't come back. Jumping down Castiel looked out of the barn door over to Dean walking by the horses pen. Observing him like he had done to Castiel. Dean patted their backs as they walked by and ran off doing sprints and walking along side each other as he watched them, and Castiel watched Dean.

Amazed. By Dean's features. His sharp green eyes piercing and wondering, his blonde hair fit to perfection that he had never seen before. His attire was always fitting to how he lived his life style, big and rich house but dressed for the wild and farming life. His sharp, shoulders and frame. The way that his shoulders had it seem like he was towering over every one and seemed like they could carry a ton on his shoulders. Lean and sharp jaw, smooth face with a touch of stubble. Castiel was mesmerized by Dean's personality, though he didn't know much he knew enough to tell that Dean was a strongComment about this chapter and brave soul. Castiel was awed by his personality, how he didn't stop at getting Castiel's trust and he didn't kick him out. Kindness. Everything about Dean... was mesmerizing.

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