Only Love Could Hurt Like This

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"Dean!" Jo yelled as Dean rushed towards her, she pointed past the curtain and to the front yard. A woman came closer to the house, no intention of harm as she smiled knowing she had finally been noticed on the property as she walked up. Dean glanced to Jo then rounded towards the door, whipping it open he pulled his shot gun from in the umbrella rack and pointed it directly at her. "What are you doing here?"

The psychic smiled, "Please, there is no need for the violence. Put away the gun." She asked kindly with a smile still on her lips, "It's for the best of us." She mumbled stepping up the stairs and the gun slowly lowered as Dean knew what she was talking about. Better for Pamela to be alive and better for Dean to not shoot so he wouldn't suffer the memory of her dead.

"May I come in?" She held up a basket, "I brought some things in favor of a gift."

Letting her pass, she stepped into the hall. She looked around like she could see.

"This place is beautiful. I can feel it." She ran her gloved hand along the wall, "It is. Strong and a history to it." Ellen peered around the corner and pulled the door closed as Castiel caught a glimpse and panicked, she closed it in time so that Pamela couldn't see Castiel and Castiel couldn't freak out. Pamela turned her head to Ellen, "My, my, you have such beautiful eyes." She said reaching up and strokig Ellen's cheek. Ellen stared back, noticing her blinded eyes. She looked to Dean. Dean kept quiet and just looked back to Pam. "I'm Pamela, Pamela Barnes. I see you in town every day." She smiled.

"I'm El­­."

"Ellen Harvelle, I know." She smiled, "I can sense it. Just like I can tell you're scared of showing what's behind this door, I can reassured you that there is nothing to be afraid of." She cupped Ellen's face in her hands, and smiled. "Don't be afraid of what people say, just fight back their words and opinions and remember ­­ you're stronger than they say you are." Dean's eyes dipped down. She meant him too. "May I see the room?"

"­­ You can't."

"Ellen," Dean finally spoke, the two turning to him. "It's okay, let her go."

Ellen stared up at Dean, and with word from her care taker and master she stepped aside as Pamela squeezed her shoulder. Pam turned to the door and pushed the two open, stepping into the room Castiel turned to her and jumped away. Tripping behind the couch, Dean nearly screamed but he let out a gasp instead. The top of Castiel's wings showed over the couch, Dean watched them shake and quiver lightly but it was visible. "Castiel?" Pam called, "Castiel, it's okay. I'm a friend of Dean Winchester's, it's okay I won't hurt you." She reassured, "Come out."

Castiel peered over the couch, seeing Dean standing behind her as he stared right back. Then he looked to Ellen, and Jo behind her with Pamela holding her hand out waiting for Castiel to come around to her. He stood up slowly. Pam smiled, "It's okay." She mumbled, "You can trust me." She kept her hand out to him, leaving her palm exposed to him. He waddled in slow, hands to himself at first but being a foot from Pam's hand he raised his own and placed them in hers. She smiled, "What beautiful wings you have." She exclaimed first, "They're strong too. Can I feel them?"

Dean tensed up.

Castiel outstretched his wing to her and she reached up running her fingers through his soft feathers. "They're very strong, big indeed. They must be heavy. If they get any bigger, you'll have to have 'angel eyes' over here carry you around." Castiel laughed lightly. Dean had never considered that Cas' wings could be heavy to him. "They'll become important to you one day." She smiled, as Castiel looked up to her glossy eyes.

"Your eyes ­­ they're grey." Castiel mumbled low, Dean had never told Castiel about blindness. He didn't have the thought of bringing it up that some one he would meet one day would be blind, and he's have to explain so suddenly.

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