One Mistake Is All It Takes

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Morning came by quickly. Dean and the rest were already up, they could barley sleep. Castiel was put in the barn and was told to stay down on the second level if anything happens, to let his wings lay on the ground and stay quiet. Dean sat in the chair in the living room as Ellen and Jo did well to hide the guns by the door. Hiding the gun in the umbrella rack, a gun in the hall used as 'display', another in the kitchen closet, and a gun on Dean around his belt line. He kept his eyes closed and tapped his feet.

The time was coming. Ellen stood by the window, checking out, she turned back to Dean who opened his eyes. "They're here." She announced and Jo in the doorway froze.

He stood up without a word and exhaled. "Remember what to do if every thing goes down." He reminded. The two nodded as they took their place behind him as he walked down the hall and opened the doors, the crowd ascended behind the Mayor in his carriage. He stepped out as Dean, lifted his head in dominance of his house.

Mayor Cain nodded to him and glanced to the girls behind him on the porch, he turned to the crowd. "Listen up every one." He called. "This is a affirmation whether there is or isn't a beast in tis house. If there is none, then no one is allowed to step miles within this house. No one is to bother Mr. Winchester and his house servants." The crowd yelled in disagreement.

"But ­­!" He injected. "If there is a beast here, and Mr. Winchester is guilty of treason against his town, then his house will be burned." He paused, almost seemingly satisfied to hear his own words. "And so will the beast." Every roared and cheered to that.

The Mayor turned back to the three infront of him, he gestured to the door and Dean and the girls moved in ­­ and in came Cain. He eyed the rooms as he walked into every one of them. Cain checked the closets and under the beds, he checked every room including the basement and attic. There was nothing. Every time he'd be finished with a room, he'd give Dean a stare but Dean didn't crack under pressure. Cain walked down the hall and into the kitchen, he looked in the closet and the hall closet. Nothing.

He turned back to Dean, "Well, it seems my search is done here. I'll be ­­." His eyes caught the barn in the back yard. Ellen and Jo stopped breathing. Dean's heart stopped, they didn't show it. Mayor Cain started for the front door, the barn in mind as he did. Ellen and Jo walked closely behind Dean giving him the  hat this was life or death now, Dean kept after Cain as they rounded the house and the crowd followed.

"Cain­­." Dean warned.

"Open the barn." Cain said turning to the three.

"You said you were checking the house and that's it." He growled.

"Open the barn, I won't say it again."

Dean clenched his jaw along with his fists.

Cain leaned in more, anger in his eyes. "Open... this... door." He mumbled through his teeth.

"He's resisting."

"It's in there! That's why he won't open it!"

"Get him now!!"

"Quiet!" Cain yelled to the crowd, and they down right did. He turned back to Dean and pointed to the barn, "What ever is in there, determines your freedom." He stated, "Open it."

Dean glinted at the door then back to the crowd huddling around them like a pack of wild dogs cornering them. He gave a sincere look to Ellen and Jo, then moved for the door. Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out some keys. Grabbing a hold of the lock, he held out the key. A shaking breath escaped his mouth. Run Cas. He thought.

He pulled open the doors, and the crowd poured in. Searching, staring, touching. The horses freaked and started kicking and screaming, the sheep kept bleating and pushing against each other. Dean and the girls stood in the entrance observing as the crowd searched like animals, he turned and gazed to Cain. Cain bent around and looked at the three, soon seeing nothing was there.

The group pulled out of the barn and Dean kept his back to the people as they formed against behind him. The mayor put a hand on his shoulder and surveyed the group.

"Alright. Now, this makes it official. No one can come within two miles of this home and no one is to bother Mr. Winchester and his belongings. You have seen that there is no one or nothing here, so go on your way and stay out of Mr. Winchester's business. What is his to know, is his." He announced, "Go on your way then."

The group started to separate down the road in disagreeing and angry tones to each other, but they didn't dare do anything else but glare and make comments. Cain squeezed Dean's shoulder and started towards his carriage.

"Cain." Dean bellowed.

He stopped and turned to Dean. Dean pivoted himself to look at Cain over his shoulder, and to stare into his eyes with Hell. "The next time I catch you or any body on my land," he growled. His voice set to annoyance and dominance. "I will not have mercy." Cain took it. He nodded and got into his carriage, riding off he left the Winchester house in the background. Dean let out a scared sound, and his knees buckled hitting the ground. All this time he hadn't been breathing, and he had let the blood get to his head.

Ellen and Jo rushed to him, "Are you alright?"

"Cas." Was all Dean mumbled, "Where is he?"

Jo peered up. "Castiel." She called. "Castiel?"

Dean looked up, as well as Ellen. Nothing moved. No one came out. Dean stamped his foot down, struggling to get up he fumbling into the barn. "Cas." He hollered. He waited, staring at nothing up on the second level. Two hands popped over the edge of the level, and followed a head and two blue eyes. Dean laughed in relief. He closed his eyes and smiled. Ellen sighed as well as Jo came around the corner and saw Castiel looking over the edge to Dean, she joined her mother's side. Dean opened his green eyes and Castiel sat out on the ledge, he smiled. "They're gone now." He finally uttered, "They won't be bothering us any more."

Castiel's face slowly lit up as his wings rose, jumping down into Dean's arms Dean caught him and laughing. Spinning him, his wings sputtered and curled around the two as they hugged. Ellen and Jo just smiled for the two. Freedom at last. Dean pressed kisses to the side of Castiel's head, peeping to the two standing by the door. He held out his hand. Walking over Dean pull them together into a hug and he laughed, he was able to keep his family and keep his life. He could just cry.

But not yet. They were not quite finished. Not yet.

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