You Trust Me, I Trust You

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The barn door opened the next morning as Castiel jumped up from laying on the second level of the barn. On his hands and knees he peered over the ledge lowly as he could see Dean with the same bucket from yesterday, filled with the same thing. Feed. Giving the horse's their feed and letting the sheep out, Dean glanced up as Castiel ducked for cover again. Looking back over the ledge he watched as Dean opened the stables, when the horses were done with their food, and guided them out to their big pen. He didn't come back in for a while after, butt the door was still open.

Leaning down Castiel tried looking out of the barn door without getting down from the second level, holding onto the ledge he could see the house but the very bottom. And Dean was coming back. Walking into the barn, Dean looked up at the second level and Castiel ducked looking through the open floor boards at Dean. Dean could see where Castiel was, the light from outside shined behind Castiel giving Dean a shadow on the boards. He knew Castiel was laying down on the floor, wings tucked down but not enough. He knew Castiel was still scared, but even more scared of walking out of the barn.

Watching Dean through the floor boards, Dean looked down at what he was holding. A basket in his hand covered with a cloth so the food wasn't exposed to the air, walking over to where Castiel was laying on the floor just by the ledge Dean reached up and hooked the basket onto a hanging rack just a foot from the ledge of second floor and in reaching distance from the ground. Stepping back he looked up one last time and closed the barn doors.

Castiel sat up from the floor looking to the barn door then down over the ledge. The basket stood in reaching distance from him, reaching down slowly he uncovered the basket and stared down. In the basket was a fresh picked apple, a loaf of breed, a glass milk bottle, and a few given napkins. Sitting back up he looked to the stable door and out to the window on the second floor window, Dean was walking around the horse pen as the horse he called Dudlin followed and he gave a few good pats to the horse's shoulders while the horse would pass by only to come back.

Looking back to the basket, he was confused. The person has yelled, screamed, and was angry at another. He was scary with his knife as he came closer, he meant harm, it scared Castiel but.... He gave Castiel food. Let him stay in his barn. He cut him from the ropes. Didn't bother him, didn't pressure him, didn't notice him as much. Gave him space and room to be comfortable. He was ­­nice?

The Angel SeedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora