Out Loud

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Dean sat at his desk, desk lamp on and papers in his hands. He stared at them until the door opened and a figure stood in the doorway, he looked up. Castiel leaned against the doorway, looking in on Dean. "What?" He asked calmly.

Castiel pointed behind him, "Dinner."

Dean nodded and turned back to the desk, "I'll be there in a moment." He stood in the doorway and waited, Dean turned back around.

"I said I'll be there in a moment." He repeated, "What's wrong?" Cas shrugged. Looking back down to the desk and papers, he stole a look to Castiel. "Why don't you go down stairs and set the table with Joanne?" He turned in his chair.

With avoiding eyes, he turned silently and went down the stairs. Dean turned to his desk. It had been a week. A week since his father's death and the town's mourning. Now he was just paying off the rest of the payments, and he could just forget about it all.

Sitting down at the table, there was nothing but silence. They all ate at the table and no one attempted to making conversation. Ellen and Jo would flash glances to Castiel or steal looks from Dean who kept his eyes down through the entire dinner, Castiel's wings would beat every once in a while catching Dean's attention to look up but nothing made him look directly up to see the others in his vision of sight.

Walking up the stairs, he pushed open his door. "Dean."

He turned to Castiel rushing down the hall towards him, Dean stared as Castiel halted in front of him. "What is it?"

Cas looked down nervously, fumbling with his thumbs. "Are you going to bed?"

"No." He said, "I need to do some important paper work."

"Can I help?" He asked, leaning after Dean who took a step back towards the room again. Jo had been teaching Castiel way more words, and he didn't struggle as much when he spoke them. "Can I help you with the work?"

Dean shook his head, "No. I need to do this alone." He stated as he stepped into the room.

 "Can I go to sleep?"

"You can sleep in the other room­­."

"I want to sleep with you." He forwardly said.

Dean turned his attention to the papers on his desk, Castiel could sleep there but he wouldn't sleep with him. He didn't feel like sleeping with someone there with him anymore, he didn't want to. "You can sleep in the bed, but," he raised his finger, "You can't make any noise."

Cas nodded, "Okay." He said as he slipped in passed Dean and over to the bed, he automatically pulled the blankets off the bed and laid down. Dean walked over and sat down at the desk, he cleared his throat staring at the paper again. Sitting there, there was silence for the moments passing. Castiel turned in the bed, his wings thumping against the head board as he fixed them and covered himself. Dean rolled his shoulders and looked back to the paper. Minutes later,

Castiel's wings hit the head board again and this time it made it rock back and forth. Dean glanced over but Cas' back was to him. He focused back on the papers. Circling there, writing in things there. He moved onto the next paper. Castiel turning on his stomach and his wings thumped against the floor, spread out over the pile of blankets on the floor. Dean turned his head over to Castiel but then back to the paper. Castiel opened his eyes and stared at the back of Dean's head. He exhaled a heavy breath out of his nose.

Dean flipped to another page in the packet and Castiel pulled his wing off the floor, making a sliding sound as it did. He shifted in the middle of the bed, bouncing around a bit until he was comfortable. Dean turned away when Castiel was done moving. Reading the paper, he could see Castiel's wings move again and he could hear the sound of them moving ­­ again. Over and over, Castiel kept moving. Shifting, switching. Moving, staring. Finally, Castiel stopped moving. Dean could get his work done. Finishing his paper work, he looked over to Castiel who was on his stomach facing the other way. Wings draped on the floor and on the bed as he stood on the right side, which was the sing he normally stood on. Getting up and turning off the light, he moved to the door and the sound of wings brushed his ear drum again.

"Dean?" Castiel rumbled, sitting up slowly as he watched Dean's silhouette in the door way turn to him.

"Go back to sleep." He whispered.

"Where are you going?" Cas asked turning his body to Dean.

"Bed." He answered, "Go back to sleep." Dean rounded the bed and kissed the top of Castiel's head. Cas didn't let Dean step away from him, he rested his head on Dean's arm as Dean watched down at him. He looked up in the darkness to hold only stars in his eyes.

Dean ran his hand through Cas' hair, "Go to sleep." He mumbled giving another kiss to Castiel's head and laid him down

on the bed, walking to the door Castiel stared down at him. "Good night." And he shut his door.

That night Dean found that not only was he the only one in his room, but that he wasn't the only one who didn't want to be alone. Dean was now the one who had found him back in the bed Castiel had fell asleep in, and even though he was asleep Castiel still welcomed him into his bed, and into his arms.

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