Anywhere I Would've Followed

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Dean came down the stairs in his soft, plaided shirt as Ellen had been worked over for a while and finally finished it for him enough to give it to him as his early birthday present. Walking into the kitchen he could hear the tinker of the music box and Ellen moving around in the room, Jo in the house out and about again.

Dean walked in, "Good morning Ellen." He chimed as he glanced to Castiel with the music box again, "What is it today?"

"Fresh picked grapes from the vines and bread. I made some jam to go with it." She insisted as she glanced to Castiel with the music box. "Dean, may I talk to you?"

"Go ahead." Dean said as he bit a piece of bread and totally was oblivious to the fact that Castiel's given gift wasn't pronounced in the house.

Ellen glanced to Castiel then back to Dean, "The music box?" She gestured.

"What about it?" He questioned as he took another bite smudging it in jelly. "Oh, right. I gave it to him."

She stared. "You what?"

"Yeah, I gave it to him as a present. I figured that he should have some thing from his house that's his as well, and it was a gift from some one to me I passed it down to him." He clapped his hands together wiping off the crumbs. "Anyways, I'm heading out." He pointed behind him.

"Out where?" Jo stepped into the doorway, a well fitted dress and a cute but old shall on her shoulders.

"Ready to go?" Dean asked Jo and she nodded with a smile. "I'm gonna head down to the town for a moment to pick up some more books and then I'll be back."

"Dean, with your life at stake here ­­ why do you keep risking this by hanging it over a pool of sharks?"

"Come on, that's dumb. I'm fine, okay?" He insisted, "I'll be back with the books then we can go back on our own days." He said as he began towards the front door, "Make sure that Castiel is safe." He muttered opening the door.

Castiel leaned into sight of the door way, worry on his face. "Where is Dean going?" He asked.

Ellen sighed, hands on her hips. "Some times I don't know. He just disappears in that head of his," she rolled up her apron, "He'll be fine though. Even if he always isn't, he'll be fine." She mumbled turning back to the counter and cleaned it off. Castiel looked back to the front door and he could almost still see Dean standing there staring back at him ­­ fear hidden in his heart, only Castiel could see. Dean chose not to feel it anymore.

Jo and Dean had walked into town and began looking through the shops. Dean wasn't just gonna get books, he also wanted to get some things for the girls and for the house. Walking into a parlor, he looked at the types of jewelry they had and a nice woman stood by a table with a kind smile pulled up on her face.

"Can I help you with any thing?" She asked.

Dean and Jo looked up at her, "I think I'm fine, but thank you."

"You say you're fine but you aren't, my dear." She said and it caught the two's attention again.


She smiled, "You are Dean Winchester." She gestured to Jo, "And you are Joanna Harvelle." They both frozen and looked at each other, the lady laughed kindly. "Don't be afraid," she pressed her hand over her heart. "I'm Pamela Barnes, I am a psychic."

"I thought the town didn't let in psychic's because they were the same as witches." Dean mumbled.

"That's not true. And I told you because I can tell that you are a righteous man, and you now the difference between right and wrong."

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