Stay With Me

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For the next days, Dean had changed a bunch of things about the house. Castiel would no longer take the horses and sheep out, Ellen and maybe him some times would do it. Castiel would be allowed to go out only an hour before sunrise and it would only be for a while, if even. Some times Castiel wouldn't even be allowed to leave his room because Dean would be afraid some one would barge into his house and see Castiel, and just kill him then. They took safety precautions. Guns by the door, locking every window and door every night and morning when they weren't home or only a few of them were home.

One day Dean slowly woke up. Looking around he laid his head back down for a moment's worth, and turned his head to Castiel sleeping on his other side. Getting up and pushing off Castiel's wing, he walked down the hall to the bathroom but froze. He listened to the sound of voices and yelling outside of the house, they grew closer. Rushing to the window, he pulled back the curtain a bit and he could see a mob of people heading towards his house. Ellen and Jo joining him quickly.

"It's a mob." Ellen stated.

"Wake Castiel, get him into the barn. Now!" Dean screamed as Ellen and Jo ran back down the hall. This couldn't be good.

Getting downstairs pulling on a shirt and pants, he opened his front door before the mob could arrive at his door step. They yelled and growled at him. Castiel was safe.

"Where is the abomination?" Some one screamed in the crowd.

"This is all just a misunderstanding.­­" Dean put his hands up in surrender. Jo peered through the doorway.

"Joanne, get back in the house." He muttered as she disappeared.

"The mayor will have you killed for this" Some one else screamed.

"Look, there is nothing here for you to hate me for. There is no beast­­."

"You're lying!"

"I'm not. Now, why do we all just turn away and go our own ways? This can all be forgotten."

Glass smashed to Dean's left, and he covered his face but not in time enough. Glass shattered into his skin, Ellen pulled him in before anything else could happen. The mayor was joined inside with the rest, Castiel still locked and hidden in the barn. Cain standing by a second floor window as Ellen pulled the glass out of Dean's skin. He groaned as a big piece was pulled out and Ellen put the wet rag right over it. Dean looked to the mayor who stood with his hands in his pocket and his gaze to the crowd.

"They're acting like wild animals." Dean angrily bellowed.

"They are." Cain agreed.

"I thought you told them there was nothing here."

"I did, and yet ­­ here they are."

Dean exhaled after Ellen had pulled the last tiny piece of glass out, plopping it into a bowl of water and other pieces. "Can't you do anything about this? By this time tomorrow, they're gonna tear a hole in my door and destroy the place." Ellen wiped down the cuts and made sure there were no more pieces.

Cain turned away from the window, "I have done what I can. I can't control the people's actions­­." "As sure a Hell, you can." Dean muttered as Ellen stabbed the needle through his arm and began stitching up the skin where there was a giant piece of glass in him.

Cain glanced to the cuts then to Dean, "I have told them the truth and they've gone against it, I can't control whether a person is insane or not."

"But you can punish them, and you still won't."

"These are people Dean, not rabid dogs­­."

"They're surely acting like them." He groaned as Ellen pulled the needle tight.

The mayor turned away. "If this truly is a lie, and there is no beast here, then why are they still at it?"

"They're insane! That's why."

Cain turned back to Dean. "Mr. Winchester, have you ever hidden something from the law you shouldn't have had in the first place?" He said walking closer with his hands behind his back.

Dean stared up, "What are you trying to say to me, Cain?"

He smiled to the name that soon started to sound like a sin in Dean's voice. "I'm asking whether you are lying to me. Every thing will be forgotten when you just confess." Dean stood up, Ellen inhaling sharply as she nearly teared the stitching with his sudden movement. He clenched his teeth,

"I don't have anything­­."

"Then why would the whole town be wrong­­?"

"They're running off a rumor­­."

"If it's a rumor, then let's settle it."

Dean stared at him with daggers in his eyes.

"Tomorrow morning I will check this house, top to bottom, if you are right and there is nothing here, I will punish the town and they won't be allowed by your house within two miles." He promised, "But if you are wrong Dean Winchester, and you are lying to me, this house and your people," he glanced to Ellen. She backed up behind Dean, scared. "Will be burned and along with what abomination lives here." Turning away, he left the house and the people were announced of the promise.

Ellen turned to Dean, "We can't hide him forever Dean, we have to do something."

"We can't leave. They'll notice and track us down." He looked down at the bandaged cuts and stitches. "They're gonna get us either way." Jo came to the door way with Castiel by her side, they both looked in worried.

Dean scanned around the room to the people he loved and wanted to protect. He nodded, "Alright." He said finally, "We either give up together," he looked to Castiel, "Or we fight to the death to keep him safe." Ellen turned to Castiel then to Jo. Jo nodded. Ellen nodded back. Dean stared at Castiel. Castiel nodded back slowly. Dean exhaled.

Game on.

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