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Dean opened his front door. "Mayor Cain, it's a surprise seeing you here." He said. "What can I help you with?"

The mayor stared at him a moment, "It seems the town has rumbled up a rumor." He said with a joking laugh.

"Well, the town's full of them." Dean commented playing right back.

"May I come in?" He asked kindly.

"Sure thing." He pushed back letting the mayor in, closing the door behind them he directed them to the living room.

"May I help you to anything? A glass of wine, maybe?"

"That would be great." He said, sitting in the seat Dean had gestured for him. "Thank you."

Dean turned to the hall, "Joanne." He yelled down the hall, he glanced to the mayor and gave him a smile.

Jo appeared down the hall and stepped beside him, "Yes, Mr. Winchester?"

"Get Mayor Cain a cup of our finest wine." He looked over to the mayor. He turned his attention back to Jo, "And make sure that the horses and sheep are in the barn, I hear there's a storm tonight." He said, sugar coding a secret between them.

In their secret code it meant, 'Make sure Castiel is in the barn, make sure he's safe'.

Jo nodded, "Yes sir." She bowed and walked down the hall to the kitchen where as Ellen checked up on the barn and Castiel, walking back she joined Dean standing behind his chair as he sat down.

"So, what could I be of service to you, Mayor Cain?" Dean said, being his kindest.

"Please, just call me Cain." Dean nodded.

"And it seems that two mental woman have come up with the most insane story ­­ about you." He laughed as Jo came in and set the glass of wine on the table.

Dean laughed, "What did they come up with this time?"

Cain drank some wine from his cup, Jo glancing to the cup to Dean and so did he. Cain mumbled, "This is some great tasting wine."

"Made myself with the grapes out in the back." Dean commented. He mumbled i appreciation again.

"So, what did these two 'mental' woman say about me?"

Cain cleared his throat and placed down the glass, "I don't know where they got this story, it makes me laugh to think that they would come up with such a ­­ fib."

Dean smiled, "Women these days." He commented, Ellen fixed her posture kicking the leg of his chair. Dean just kept smiling to Cain.

"So, these two women had said they were cleaning their clothes in the morning of yesterday when they had seen you riding through the woods."

Dean furrowed his brow.

"And these women said that you had some one, my apologies, some thing with you." He laughed, "They said you had a winged­beast with you."

Ellen and Jo stiffened up.

Dean quickly pulled a smile over his worry, laughing along with Cain.

"I don't know where they could've come up with such a story."

Dean laughed breathlessly, "I don't know either."

Cain swayed his head, "I'm here because the towns people wanted to 'clarify'," he noted, "That you had no winged beast here. Surely you couldn't have one?"

He paused, not knowing what to say. Then he laughed, "That's insane. A creature here, in my house. They must've seen some thing out of their minds, there's no beast here but the horses."

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