Stoner x Captain x Poopyfarts96: I don't know how to title this.

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Bruh, The_Wither_Boss, I swear to God, WHY.

This is a crack ship. Get ready for a hell of a ride full of cringe.

Enjoy I guess.

Sorry, The_Wither_Boss, I added a bit of Veteran x Player. I hope that's okay :'>


Capt's POV~


Being the trusty captain of the crew ain't easy, especially when no one listens to you.

"Listen up!"

Veteran and Player were on a sugar high (Don't ask) and were drunk.


TheGentleman facepalms and mumbles, "Who put sugar and alcohol in their coffee?"

Poopyfarts makes a weird fart noise and everyone but myself laughs hysterically.

"Guys!" I shout, but everyone continues to be a pain in the ass.

Player was hopping up and down like a manic, along with Veteran. They were using some wires as a jump rope.

"Gentleman, I don't believe that's safe," TheGentleman says. Player and Veteran ignore him and continue to act like maniacs.

"Veterannnnn," Player slurs, "I loveeeeee you."

"You're hotttttt too, Playerrrrr," Veteran replies, tossing the wires behind him.

"O-okay, I think that's enough, gentleman. Off to bed, you two," TheGentleman instructs.

"Don' wanna, I'm nu sleepy-!" Player hisses.

"Me neithers," Veteran hisses, grabbing Player.

"Well too bad!" I say, grabbing the two of them by the collar. They scream and wail like toddlers as I separate them and put them into separate rooms.

"VETERAN, NOOOO!!!" Player screams, banging on the wooden door.

The rest of the crew watches as I toss Veteran into his bed. Veteran was a lot more difficult, though...

"I WANT PLAYER!" He screams, kicking and punching me. I struggle to exit the room. When I finally manage to, I lock the door with a click.

"Oh my god, those dudes were unchill," Stoner says. "Ya think?"

"I knew I shouldn't have let them go to the bar last night," TheGentleman says, sighing and shaking his head.

MrCheese pokes TheGentleman's side. "We all are going to a party tonight, remember? For Mother's birthday?"

Exhaling sharply, I reply, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Of course it is, we'll be fine Capt'n. I'll be sure everyone's not too drunk."



"I'm so happy that the crew decided to come! Welcome!" Mother greets us. "But where's Player and Veteran?"

"They were still drunk after last night's 'party'. I don't understand those two, really," Bro says, shaking his head.

Mother laughs cautiously. "Yeah, Player and Veteran are, uhm, special. Yeah, that's one way to put it..."

"Anyway, let's party!" MrCheese shouts. TheGentleman runs after him.

"Sooooo, Capt'n," Stoner says, "Wanna get some drinks?"

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