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Shortly after rejoining the group, Harry showed up at the Burrow. Ginny had invited him when they hung out that morning, but Aurora covered for Ginny and said they saw him while in Diagon. After that, George and Ron left to go get Hermione and Angelina.

George would have preferred to take the flying car, since apparating makes Angelina queasy, but Molly and Arthur took it for their travels. When the group was whole once more, everyone greeted each other appropriately.

"Mione!" Exclaims Aurora as she walked through the front door, pulling her in for a hug. The two girls haven't seen each other for sometime after last year's situation, and they were particularly close, so it was a nice visit for catching up. Ron and Harry gave each other slaps on the back and went to the kitchen for some snacks for everyone, while Hermione hung around Ginny.

Angelina stayed by Fred and George. Her and George hadn't been together for quite a long time, only made it official two months ago, so she wasn't as close to everyone yet, but we still treat her like family.

Aurora plopped herself down into the lounge chair, just as Harry and Ron came back with snacks, or more so sweets: Every Flavor Beans, Chocolate Frogs, Cauldron Cakes, and bottles of Butterbeer.
Ginny grabs a few chocolate frogs for her and Hermione, who are situated on the couch, and Harry places two bottles down for the two of them.

"Hey, pass me a Cauldron Cake and a bottle, would you?" Asks Aurora, and Ron follows suit. He passes out the rest of the bottles, and lets the desserts sit on the coffee table. Harry and Ron squeeze onto the couch, making Hermione and Ginny crunch together and giggle, and George takes a seat on the loveseat, followed by a very quiet Angelina. Having no other place to sit, Fred takes a seat propped up against the lounge chair, close to Aurora.

Casual conversation picked up, and Angelina soon got comfortable and spoke up more. The group talked to Hermione and Ginny about their upcoming years, and Harry and Ron mentioned how they're planning on becoming apart of the ministry, but Ron was leaning more towards an Auror, for some excitement in life.

"What are you planning on doing, Angelina?" Asks Aurora lightheartedly, making her go quiet.

"None of your business." She deadpans, making the group turn to her, confused.

"I didn't mean to pry, I don't quite know myself, it was just a simple question." Responds Aurora, trying to take the attention away from Angelina, since she clearly didn't like it. Just like the drop of a dime, her mood shifted to smiling and happy.

"I might work with these Weasley men," She says, ruffling George's hair, "at the joke shop! It sounds like a good bit of fun." She says, leaning into George's side, and he wraps an arm around her shoulders. Fred, leaning against Aurora's leg let out a quiet laugh, but she could feel him tense up.

The joke shop was a personal project between the twins, and they are yet to hire any workers to help out, so it didn't seem he was ready to do so. The room fell into an eerie silence, so Ginny spoke up to break the tension.

"We should play a game." She says, smiling.

"Any in mind, Gin?" Asks Ron, his hand placed on the couch next to Hermione's knee, his pink occasionally grazing her jeans.

"Truth or Dare, perhaps?" She suggests, spiking interest of everyone in the room. The twins shared a look between each other, before they jumped up from their spots.

"Brilliant." Says George, walking to the stairs with his brother.

"We have just the things to make it interesting." Says Fred, following his twin up the stairs. Harry caught a glance with Ginny, and she winked at him, making him lay his head back and smile. As much as no one wants to admit it, due to the massive amount of public display of affection, they were meant to be.

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