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Angelina Johnson.
Angelina Johnson.
Angelina Johnson.
The name alone brings me rage, but the name alone brings me the most fear I've felt since I was a baby. Hating someone is a terrible feeling that's tearing me up inside, but I know I hate her. All the reasons she's given me to hate her. I can't help it. When her and George first got together, it was strange to have someone new around, but we'd all do anything for George, and we did our best to accept her. Their relationship was fresh and new, so I'm disappointed to say that it didn't end after she Stupefied me. She harmed me. She casted a spell on me for something that happened years ago, something I've already regretted in my life. I think she was just trying to find a reason to make me look foul, for some reason I can't tell. I have all the reasons in the world to make her look bad, but I'm a decent human being who wouldn't dare do a thing that she did, and I'm only speaking about the first bad incident. After that, she had George swooning for her like a puppy looking for a forever family. George seemed to completely forget what happened, and it broke my heart to see one of my best friends choose such a horrid girl over me. It was painful. After the incident, I wasn't afraid of her, I was angry and confused. I only felt fear when she threatened my life, when she nearly casted Septum Sempra. She was going to hurt me, and in a very bad way, if it hadn't been for Fred. I was looking out for the twins, and she threatened me. She held her wand to my neck so hard it left a lasting mark, that, might I say, is really hard to hide from other people. I'm afraid of what she has the potential to do, and I hate it. I hate her. I hate her for taking George to the cabins so he can't even see his little sister and his good friend off for their last years at Hogwarts. I hate her. I'm scared of her. I despise her. I fear her. I don't know what I can do about the situation, but I hate everything about it.
Angelina Johnson.
Angelina Johnson.
Angelina fucking Johnson.

She stared down at the words she wrote, stared at them for what felt like forever. She picked up the parchment by the corner, careful not to smear the fresh ink, and walked over to her window, opening it and holding the letter outside, along with her wand.

Her tradition at Hogwarts was to write out her feelings, and burn them directly after, so her and nobody else could read or feel those specific words and feelings ever again. It may have made her sound mad, but it genuinely cleared her thoughts, and she was already beginning to feel better.

"Incendio." She muttered, and watched as the small burst of fire lit her parchment, the flame consuming her writing. She released the paper before the flame reached her fingers, and watched as it diminished into ashes in the wind.

She sat at the window, breathing in the slightly smokey yet fresh air, and let herself think about her clouded head for just a moment, before letting out a long sigh and closing the window, leaving her worries behind.

She stood in the center of her room, and looked around at the clutter she's gathered over the years. Cleaning is much easier when a wand is available to do the work for you, but nothing calms the mind more than easy manual labor.

Molly and Arthur would be returning tomorrow, so Aurora took it upon herself to tidy up the place for the two, as a welcome home gift.

"Rory, you have a wand, remember?" Says Hermione from the couch, where she reads through one of her many books. Aurora was currently sweeping the floor of the den, gathering up the dust and dirt the Weasley's messily gathered, her included.

"Manual labor makes me feel good sometimes." She mutters, sticking her tongue out slightly in concentration as she lifts the rug with one foot, balancing on the other while she swept. Her ankles were more unstable than the average 20 year old, so she was quite wobbly while doing so, but she didn't mind.

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