Profile: The Lone Wolf

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Name: Jacklyn 'Jackie' Thompson

Code Name: The Lone Wolf or Loner

Age: 27 years old.

Hair: Black

Hairstyle: Braid

Eyes: Brown

Family: Father: James 'Bucky' Barnes aka Winter Soldier. Mother: Veronica (Dead). Siblings: Ashton (Dead), Lily (Dead) Fury is her adoptive father.

Best Friends: Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel and Goose.

Friends: Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow and Agent Phil Coulson. Clint Barton aka Hawkeye and Jackie was in a love/hate relationship. They always argued with each other, but could also depend on each other. It was quite confusing.

Powers: Can turn into a wolf named Shadow. She can also control Fire and Ice but only on one side. When she gets really angry, sad, or overwhelmed, her powers combine into The right hand and eye resembled Skadi, the Norse giantess associated with winter, wolves, mountains, skiing, and archery. The left hand and eye resembled Verbt, the Celtic storm god who controls fire, water, and wind.

Weapons: Archery, 2 Glocks 26's, and Throwing Knives.

Quote: "I am usually calm, passive, and in control. I may seem to not care about anyone other than myself. But that is wrong. The few friends I have I would give my life for. If you mess with them, I will become your worst nightmare coming true."

Backstory/Extra: Due to her first nine years being spent with her father in HYDRA, Jackie has trust issues. She was 17 when she helped Fury and Carol Danvers. Carol was the first person other than Fury who wasn't scared of her, so the two of them were fast friends. When she was 22, Jackie became a Level 7 Agent, extremely impressive since she was so young. When Clint Barton joined SHIELD, Fury assigned Jackie to be Barton's Senior Officer (SO). Clint and Jackie always butted heads, yet they were hardly separated from each other. Around Clint, Jackie turned from her usual cold self, becoming the person that Fury used to only see at home or when they were by themselves. Being SHIELD's top agents, if any missions required two people, they always teamed up with each other, but they enjoyed doing solo missions better. When Jackie was 27 she had become a Level 8 Agent. Clint had progressed to become a Level 6 Agent at 29 years old. Jackie never missed a chance when they were alone to tease Clint about being younger than him but a better shot, fighter, and a higher level agent.

It's that year, 2000, that Clint was sent on a mission to take out the Black Widow. There was quite a surprise for Jackie when she went to pick Clint up. And it's here that our story begins.

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