ii. The Parting of Ways

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Mouse called mum and she came to the TARDIS, dragging me away and to a café down the road. I am sitting beside Rose – Mouse and mum across from us – pushing my chips around with my fork. I am numb. What's the point on eating when I know the Doctor is- my face scrunches up as I stab the Styrofoam container. I'm not paying attention to their attempts to get my mind off it; how the hell am I supposed to get him off of my mind. "Oh, girls, have something to eat," mum tries sighing.

"200,000 years in the future, he's dying and there's nothing we can do," Rose glares at mum.

"Well, like you said... 200,000 years, that's way off!"

"But it's not! It's now! That fight is happening right now and he's fighting for us! For the whole planet and we're just sitting here eating chips!" Rose yells, shoving her tray of chips away and I do the same.

"Listen to me," mum sighs. "God knows I have hated that man but right now, I love him and do you know why? Because he did the right thing; he sent you girls back to me," she smiles, tears in her eyes.

"Yeah? How is that the right thing?" I scoff, my voice cracking up from crying so much earlier. "What am I supposed to do, huh? Go back to work? Get up and go to work, come back home, eat chips, go to bed? Is that it?"

"That's what the rest of us do," Mickey scowls.

"But we can't!"

"Why? Cause you're better than us?" Mickey glares.

"That's not what she meant!" Rose glares right back. "But it was... it was a better life..." she breathes out. "And I... I don't mean all traveling and seeing aliens and spaceships and things, that don't matter," she shakes her head. "The Doctor showed us a better way of living your life! You know, he showed you too! That you don't just give up! You don't just let things happen! You make a stand! You say no!" You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away!"

"You don't get it, neither one of you gets it... how amazing he is, how truly brilliant," I smiles, tears welling up. "He didn't just make my life better, the Doctor's made me better... he helped me step outside of the little box I put myself in, to be proud of who I am and you want me to just abandon his!?" I glare between them. "How do I do that? Turn my back on him after everything he's done!? I'm just supposed to leave him to die like he doesn't mean everything to me!?"

"Galaxy..." mum stares at me, reaching out to take my hand.

"I can't do this," my voice cracks and I shake my head, getting up and running out.


I run back to the TARDIS, sitting on the jump seat in the console room, tears streaming down my face. "Lexy... we'll find a way to get him back," Rose whispers, sitting down next to me after she enters the TARDIS.

"Please? I love the Doctor and I don't know what I would do without him," I cry into Rose's shoulder. "He's taught me so much and shown us so much and I don't want to stop. I-" I cut myself off, sniffing. "I love him so much and I don't want anything to happen to him. I don't know what I will do without him."

"Hey," Rose begins. "It's going to be ok. We'll find out a way to get back to him to save him."

Rose strokes my head. "Do you want to be alone for a while?" she asks me and I nod my head.

"Please," I mumble into her shoulder. I feel Rose nod her head before getting up and walking out of the TARDIS.


I don't know how long I've been walking around the TARDIS but I know I've been sat in the console room for a few minutes now but my head snaps when the door opens. Rose and Mickey both run in, Rose looking ecstatic. "We can get back! Bad Wolf is here and it's not a warning! It's a message! Right now, and in the future with the Doctor, it's connected!" she comes over, grabbing my hands. "All the TARDIS needs to do is make a return trip!" she beams. "Just... reverse!"

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