Chapter 30: Vulnerable

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"Eventually, everything connects"

Jungkook's P.O.V

The road was midnight under the claustrophobic tension of the sky. The grey clouds almost concealing the bright stars, conquering full blackness. In this type of atmosphere, the only people intend to do is to wake up from a heavy slumber to the sound of rain. But here I am, enjoying the made-up claustrophobic comfort of the car destined for some congratulatory party.

My fingers lazily scrolling through the texts that I've sent to Y/n earlier. To be honest, she's the only one who replies to my text pretty soon. And when I say"pretty soon", it means almost immediately. A faint smile plays across my face without my consent, the more I scroll through the texts.

Until the quiet peaceful tension disrupts as Dongmin suddenly gains my attention. The rare sense of hesitance in his expression kinds of pokes my mind.

Should I ask him?

The thought itself consumes my mind since I reach the party. Giving up on my hesitancy, I attempt to ask him but before I could say something he speaks up.

"Umm...sir...I'm really sorry. But I've to leave now." He hesitantly blurts out. That's kind of rare of him as he always maintains a stern aura.

"But why? We've to attend this, you know." I ask in a serious manner. Afraid to see someone hesitant like him when he's the only one to always act perfect.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But my wife needs me right now." He says, keeping his gaze down.

To my ultimate shock, I never heard him mention his wife anytime. Actually, I won't even know that he has one if he didn't mention it this time. But pushing all the astonishment on the back of my mind, my expression softens.

"Okay...If that's urgent. You should leave right now. You could use the car if you want to," I state in a calm manner.

Contrasting the storm of awful flashbacks from approximately 2 years ago envelops my mind, similar to the grey clouds smothering the stars underneath.


Dongmin looks at me with a trace of gratitude on his face along with a genuine grin. Conflicting my inner atmosphere, I also force him a smile, assuring him for the last time before he leaves.


Author's P.O.V

Nausea pounces at her throat for the third time as she tries to force down the bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid out of her. Her hands tremble while her stomach keeps on contracting harshly forcing everything up. Hot tears trickle down her eyes as she heaves on the toilet bowl. But there's nothing left to go anymore.

The pungent stench plunders her nostrils as she lurches backward. Her face is awfully white along with sweats and tears staining her skin. Better not to mention, the throbbing pain like a toothache in her head.

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