The Darkside... And Anakin??

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I got this idea from a prompt book that berryninjago had set up. Thank you for allowing me to use prompts from your prompt book. Also this book may contain some graphic content. Such as the talk of rape, and abuse.

You had been here for a week? A month? More? You couldn't tell and you didn't remember. You had been trying to block out everything they had been doing to you here. They were nice enough to spare your men from torment, when you surrendered yourself. Your Commander tried his hardest to tell you to run and not to look back. Then Count Dooku made a promise that noone would touch your men if you willingly went with them. To which you agreed since you don't want them to get hurt.
"General we're just clones we were made to be replaced." He stated. "You shouldn't have given yourself up like that."
"Commander Kit... That is quite enough. Just because you are a clone does not take away from what you mean to me." You smiled at him. He was listed a defective clone and was up to be decommissioned. All because he had one of the trade mark honey colored eyes and one bright sky blue eye. All of the men in your battalion had been marked for decommission for a birth defect. Bluster was born with red hair. Stern was born without the ability to talk, and the uncanny ability to think for himself. When you took him in he only knew hand gestures not actual sign language. So with the help of Kit you taught him to communicate through sign language. Deadeye was born with a dead eye. Your men meant more to you than they really should have. Shortly after your small conversation and reminiscing a few droids came and plucked you out of the cell. You gave one last glance to them then followed the droids. Ever since then you had been here in this room. Only getting returned to the cell when the droids had to recharge their batteries. So you knew Dooku kept his word.
It was a new day according to the droids that came and got you from the cell. Today was different they grabbed Kit as well.
"No! Dooku promised he wouldn't hurt my men! Let him go! Put him back!" You started trying to thrash your way out of this predicament, but it was no use. You were too weak from all of the torture to actually put up a fight. Once you reached the room they sat Kit in a chair by the door, and Dooku walked in shortly after.
"To what do I owe the pleasure Dooku?" You asked sarcastically.
"We have been trying to get this information out of you for too long my dear. Today I decided to oversee this myself, and I brought your Commander. If you are unwilling to talk maybe he will be." He motioned to his droids and they stripped you of your tunic. Something they had only recently started doing. They then turned you around and locked you face down on the interrogation chair. You became extremely aware of the new and old scars you had on your back. You heard a lightwhip activate behind you and a cape drop to the floor.
"You will tell us what we want to know." He lashed you on the back. "I will keep my word and not hurt your men, but they will get to watch me torture and kill you if you do not tell me what I want to know." He whipped you again harder this time. You heard Kit growl lowly from anger, and you signaled him to keep a level head. "Maybe what will get you to talk is if I tell your Commander where these scars came from." He ran his fingertips over the scars that ran up and down your back and upper arms.
"Whats he talking about General?" You buried your face as far into the table as you could.
"I wouldn't expect her to tell you... Or anyone. Its embarrassing for a Jedi." Dooku whipped you again. "Why didn't you tell him about how your old master treated you?" He whipped you again.
"Who Windu?" Dooku tutted at Kit.
"No no. Her Master before him. His name was Master Austeri Contul correct?" He asked as though you'd answer but you only fell into yourself more. He whipped you again. "He picked her to be his Padawan when she was only 13 years old. Oh but he was not a very good Jedi. I wouldn't even be so kind as to describe him as a Sith. I remember my first encounter with her when she was still a child. Filled with light and excitement, but that was when I used to be at the temple." He whipped you realizing it had been a bit since he had done so. "My next encounter with her was after she had turned 15 when some of my droids were able to separate her from her Master. Imagine my surprise when I realized she could not fight back as well, because she had already received a months worth of lashings." He deactivated the lightwhip when he realized it wasn't doing him any good. Instead focusing on uncovering all of your past trauma which you had spent so much time and effort hiding. "I didn't want her to die in my custody so I sent her to the med bay on my ship at the time. Then the horror when my medical droid told me that there were signs of heavy sexual assault inflicted on that poor child. So I made the decision to try and keep her from her Master. I eventually got her to talk to me about it after holding her for a month I believe." You peaked at them over your shoulder to see the Dooku had crouched down to eye level with Kit. "Do you know what I did when I found out that he would whip her until she gave into his sexual advances? I decided to stop my ship from being constantly on the move letting the Jedi order send him. When he arrived here I let him get as close to me as I would allow, and then I killed him. I wanted to keep her with me as my apprentice. Show her how a Master was really supposed to treat their Apprentice." You heard his clothes shuffle a bit as he stood from his place. He turned and looked at you. "I would still accept you as my Apprentice, (Y/n)."
"There's one tiny problem with that Count. There will come a day when your Master will have you killed either by his new apprentice, some lowlife scum, or he himself will do it. I do not work with traitors. Which the Sith almost always turn out to be. Or there's the possibility that he would have you turn on me and kill me." You turned your face back to the table ready to receive another lashing. You heard him pick his cape back up and exit the room. You slumped against the table waiting the shocks, or the bars, or anything. Nothing came. Just silence as you sat in that room with Kit. You glanced around to see no droids accompanying you.
"Was that true General? Everything he just said?" Luckily he didn't sound angry at you. You sighed knowing this day was eminent.
"Yes. The Count wanted me to stay wanted me to live up to my full potential. Asked me to stay and if I denied he was going to allow me to leave. I returned to Coruscant after a week of trying to hitch a ride with smugglers. A bounty hunter named Jango Fett finally gave me a ride." Kit was able to get his hands infront of him and walked over to you to unlock your restraints and turn you around. He then went and retrieved your tunic putting it on the front of you.
"You mean... The guy who donated to make all of us gave you a ride back? Why would he do that?"
"Well at the time the cloning process had yet to begin... I think. He accepted Republic credits, and he said he felt bad for me. I don't know why he did, but he took me home. I had to tell the Council about what happened to my Master. When they started to talk about how great of a loss he was I lost it. Told them everything he had done to me even showed them my back. He was then disgracefully casted from the Jedi Order even though he was already dead."
"Dooku seems to have a bit of a soft spot for you. Why else would he have made a promise to you and kept his word? Why else would he have kept us healthy, and why else would he leave the door unlocked?" Your eyes shot open and you went to take a step forward but almost fell. Kit caught you and supported your weight as best as he could with his hands bound. You summoned the last bit of focus you had left, and removed his bonds with the Force. He helped you put on your tunic the rest of the way.. You peaked out of the door and surprisingly noone was on the path you both traveled. Reaching the cell with your men in it.
"C'mon boys I think its about time that we get out of here." They all got up and you tried to navigate your way through the ship never finding any droids or Dooku. It seemed he had abandoned his ship, but that was the next problem. All shuttles and all escape pods were gone. All that was left was the ship you were in, and none of you really knew how to fly it. "Well I know how to pilot the Serenity so I should be able to fly this bucket of bolts." You sat at the main control point and it was surprisingly easy to pilot the ship.
"Can one of you please try to contact anyone with the Republic?" Deadeye nodded and he found their communications console.
"This is Master Mace Windu this is a secure line who is this?" You looked over to Deadeye who removed his helmet.
"This is Captain Deadeye, General. I'm aboard an enemy vessel with my battalion and our General, sir. She is severely wounded, and asked me to make contact with someone with the Republic let me just transfer you to her real quick." He did as he said he would.
"Master aren't you a sight for sore eyes." You joked out.
"I see being held captive and being tortured hasn't taken away your sense of humor." He smirked lightly.
"Never, Master. My humor is one of the few things still holding me together!" You lightly smirked back at him. Just then the blast doors behind you hissed open causing you to swing around to stare at the people entering. "You sent Anakin to save me, didn't you Master?" You turned back to the Jedi Master infront of you.
"Yes I did. He was the closest one to you." You laughed a bit.
"He's a bit late." You smiled at Anakin who stood next to you now. "I will be in contact after I've spent some serious time in a bacta tank, Master." You bowed your head slightly, and ended the call.
"Its good to see you too, Angel." He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. "C'mon let's get you back on a good ship." He helped you up and went and boarded his shuttle with both of your battalions.

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