Deviant With a Big Defect Pt. 2

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Did you guys know that Tech is 6'4" tall and Crosshair is the same height? I'm 5'8" tall and they would be giants to me man. The Reader is the same height as Tech btw. Forgot to mention that in the last one.

The Rescue of an Old Friend

You couldn't contain your excitement for the hope that Echo was alive. Domino Squad truly was a group of good men, and the thought that they could all be dead was painful. However, that was the reality of being a clone. You were made to die, and you had no choice but to accept that. You stood next to Rex who stayed close to his General.

"So how many missions has your unit been on Sergeant?" General Skywalker asked Hunter.

"Honestly sir I don't remember. The action sort of all blends together." Hunter told the General.

"103." You said as you fiddled with Rex's armor.

"What?" Rex asked.

"We've been on 103 missions. Unless you count this one as a separate mission from the last one, then 104." You told them and Rex looked at you confused.

"(Y/n)... What are you doing?" Rex asked you, and you looked up at him.

"Your Captain's shoulder pad is exactly what I've been wanting to get my hands on." You tell him honestly and he raises a brow in question. "Honestly I've always wanted to try my hand at installing a weapon in one."

"Weapon? What kind of weapon?" Rex asks you and you stop fiddling with his armor.

"A miniature rocket launcher. It's Mandalorian technology from their jetpacks." You said and Hunter shot you a look, so you backed off a bit.

"Sorry. Her mind works in a constant motion where she has to always be doing something." Hunter told Rex and Anakin.

"She seems really interested in weapons design. Why hasn't she been put to use to the weapons division?" Anakin asked Hunter.

"Heh... Tell them why you aren't there anymore?" Hunter asked you and you blushed.

"I got into a fight with one of the scientists." Anakin and Rex looked at you shocked. "She started it! She tried to steal the designs for my suit and a few guns I was working on. I told her to back off, and then she told me to kriff off because clones don't deserve to get credit for designs, so I sent her face into a hallway window." You said as you crossed your arms. "I'm sorry, but noone gets my designs but me and my squad now. Not after that thing, that claimed to be a woman, treated me so disrespectfully. Thanks for having me revisit my lowest point, Hunter." You turned and strode into the cockpit and took to the copilot seat. "We need to be careful on entry to Skako Minor. The atmosphere is not exactly ideal for landings."

"Yes I know. I have also read ahead of this mission." Tech said and you rolled your eyes.

"Just trying to be useful, Tech." You told him and cast a glance in your direction.

"You are angrier than usual. Did Hunter have you talk about that scientist again?" Tech asked and you sighed then nodded.

"I don't want to talk about my feelings or anything. I just want to focus on something so people will leave me alone." You said as you started helping Tech fly the ship. Not long after Skako Minor came into view, and of course you hit that turbulence you read about.

"We are approaching Skako Minor. It looks to be a difficult landing." Tech told everyone in the back, and the two of you worked together to try and make it as smooth of a landing as possible. The moment you landed everyone joined the two of you upfront.

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