I'm Sorry, What? Pt.4

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   The last part for this series. TwincessKori here's the part where your request comes in. Palpatine is not a threat, and the Empire never comes into existence.

   Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, and Wrecker were currently off the ship for this mission. Tech would've gone, but the ship got damaged on entry so he stayed behind. Hunter refused to let you go with them, because you had been getting sick since you woke up. Tech walked back to the refresher for the 50th time to check on you.

   "I just finished the repairs. (Y/n) I need to run some tests to see what you're dealing with." Tech said as he walked in and knelt down.

   "Do what you've got to do Tech. I really just don't feel too good to object." You said as you flushed the toilet, and stood up shakily. Tech stood as well and let you lean on him as he helped you back to your bunk. "I don't know what's gotten into me, because I've never gotten this sick before."

   "Well you are not running a fever, and you do not show signs of the typical illness." Tech said as he started running scan tests on you, but right after he took the second scan he froze. "Tell me... Have you and Hunter been sexually active?" He asked and you felt your blood run cold. You nodded. "Have you been using protection responsibly?" He asked and you shook your head remembering the last time you had sex.

   "I'm pregnant. Why didn't I think of that?" You asked as you buried your face in your hands. "I'm gonna get benched. You boys need a medic, what good am I going to be if I can't be out there with you?" You started to spiral onto a panic and Tech set a comforting hand on your shoulder.

   "You can teach me everything you know, and until you can return I will work as the medic again." Tech said and you shook your head.

   "The entire point of me joining was that I was to ensure that you had a medic. I would have to teach everyone." You said as you started to put your armor on.

   "Well I can tell you one thing for certain." Tech said and you looked up at him quizzically. "Everyone will be very excited to find out. Even Crosshair likes kids he just doesn't want to show that part of him." Tech said as he started to type on his datapad.

   "Please don't tell anyone Tech. I really don't know how Hunter will react. You say he will be happy, but will he actually be happy is the real question. We are in the middle of a war, and we are both a part of the army." You said as you put the last of your armor on.

   "It is not my place to tell. That is between you and Hunter." Tech said as he locked his datapad, and went to do whatever Tech does in his downtime. You never really stopped to ask him what he does for fun. You started cleaning though, because it was a wreck on the ship. Tools, gun cleaning rags, ration bar wrappers(from Wreckers bunk), and toothpicks. Crosshair was usually good about putting them in a waste bin, but if you got attacked he had a tendency to let it fall from his lips. Once you were finished cleaning the bunks you turned to clean the refresher. By the time you finished that you heard multiple voices in the cockpit.

   "How is she doing Tech?" You heard Hunter ask Tech.

   "She is fine. It must have been something she ate, because she is not experiencing any issues now." Tech told Hunter. "Last I saw her she was cleaning the refresher." You heard footsteps approaching the bathroom, and then a knock on the wall. You turned to the door once you put your cleaning supplies back.

   "Hey Hunter. How was the mission?" You asked as you pulled him into a hug.

   "It went smoothly... For once." Hunter joked and you giggled. "How are you feeling?"

   "Better now. I'm not sure what got into me this morning." You told him and he released you from the hug.

   "Hey atleast we have a couple days of downtime." Hunter said as he led you to the bunks. "I see you were busy while we were gone."

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