A Life Changing Decision

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          Cassian Andor x Reader
   The flare you held in your gaze was enough to make a grown man fall to his knees. NEVER have you felt so betrayed in your life, and it had to be the person closest to you. Your best friend Cadsian Andor told the Council that you were emotionally compromised and unable to go on anymore missions. They demoted you from Lieutenant Colnel to Major. You couldn't stand that he did this to you. He knew how much this meant to you, and he went and did this.
   "Did you hear what I just said Major?"  General Draven said to you across the table.
   "You know what? No I didn't hear a DAMN WORD that you just said. I don't want to hear anything else you say. I worked my ass off harder than you ever have to achieve the rank I did. You believe the measly words of a jealous spy?" You laughed. "No... I'm done." You tore the Major symbol off your shoulders and threw it on the table. You turned your attention to Mon Mothma. "You know I thought you were different than the Jedi, but I was heavily mistaken... Senator." You spit out her title with distaste while referring to the past that you lived in shortly. You turned on your heel flipping them off shortly before walking out of the room.
   You hated him. You had slept with him for months. Shared a room. Shared your dreams. Shared your ambitions. Wanted nothing more than to have a family and grow with this man. You guessed he had other intentions however. Emotionally compromised. You couldn't even think of either of those words without your rage growing stronger. You reached your bedroom which you shared with him. You punched in your number and walked in. You started packing your belongings and didn't want anything to do with anyone from this stupid, putrid, stinkhole they called a base. You heard a knock on your door. You walked over and hit the button to open it allowing whoever it was to walk in.
   "Hey (Y/n) I heard you were leaving?" You made short eye contact with Hera Syndulla your best friend.
   "Yeah. Been wronged too many times here. I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving so if you want to make a case for me to stay now is the time." You turned to face her fully now. She sighed and sat down in the chair next to your coffee table.
   "I want you to stay, but ultimately thats not my decision. They made the decision to demote you based on your actions in the field. They didn't approve of the fact that you constantly put yourself in harms way.-" She was about to say more but you brought your hand up to silence her.
   "No need to try to lecture me more, Captain. I put myself in harms way so noone else has to. I have the lowest casualty rate out of any Lieutenant Colnel. I have the highest success rate... Ob yeah not to mention I am the one who found this stupid base in the first place. But no all they see is the fact that I believe if anyone is to die its me... I had dibs on it first. Now however I'm leaving before they can try to demote me for sacrificing myself for the good of my company." You put the last of your stuff in your bag and walked out of the room. You made your way to your ship and threw your bag in. General Draven made his way to you again.
   "Excuse me, but this ship is property of the-" You smacked him.
   "No it isn't. I bought this ship myself before I joined your pathetic excuse for a band of rebels. You don't get to muscle my stuff from me. Not anymore. Try to take it from me and I will not hesitate to end your miserable existence in this universe. Now please leave me and MY property alone." You turned back to your ship and started to make preparations for take off. Thats why your heard fast paced footfalls on the tarmec behind you. Arms snaked around your waist and you were pulled into a chest. You grabbed his hands and forcefully removed them from your waist.
   "(Y/n) I'm so sorry. Please I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean for this to happen. Please stay." He turned you to face him. "Please I love you, and I don't know what I'd do without you." He brought his hand up to your cheek in a soft gesture. Normally you would've melted into any of his touches and fallen for him all over again.
   "No Captain Andor. You meant everything you said and you got me demoted! I worked so hard to get where I was only for the man I share a bed with to rip it away from me. Not again. Never again. I'm leaving this wretched place behind. I can't do this anymore. I understand if you were jealous that I received the promotion, but to purposefully get me demoted? Thats too low of a blow for forgiveness. Goodbye Cassian." You climbed into your ship and flew off to your home world of Jedha. You were sure your old friend Saw Gerarra would reaccept you into his group. You didn't look back and you didn't want to.

          3 Years Later

   You were bored out of your mind. You had never actually gotten over Cassian, and you couldn't bring yourself to go back to base. You were too afraid of the accusing looks that you would receive because of the ass you had made of yourself that day. You buried your head in your hands and leaned on the table infront of you. You heard the tale tell sign of Saw coming up behind you, and you heard him sit down beside you.
   "(Y/n). I need you to do something for me. I need you to go into the city and retrieve someone for me. I have gotten word that she is here and I want her brought to me." You nodded and looked at him. "Her name is Jyn Erso. She is a very good friend of mine, and I want her brought to me before the Empire gets to her." You nodded again and headed towards the old city. Oncethere you looked around and caught sight of the face you were looking for. You followed her around waiting to find the right moment to show yourself. They got into some trouble and ran into an alley way to avoid suspicion which was a bad idea, seeing as how they always check the alleyways with very large squadrons. You got onto a roof above them and yep you called it. You jumped down as a Stormtrooper walked under you. You pulled out your staff and let it extend and beat the hell out of all the troopers around you. Once you were done you turned to face the two people who caught your attention and were met with the surprised face of Cassian Andor. He rushed forward and pulled you into him and then smashed his lips onto yours. You wanted to let this happen but you couldn't stay here any longer. You pushed him off of you and motioned them to follow you. Once you were sure you were safe you stopped and turned to them.
   "Andor." You looked at the girl. "You must be Jyn. I was sent here to retrieve you." She looked at you wearily which caused you to roll your eyes. "I work with Saw and he received a report that you were here. So here I am and here we go." You turn and started making your way to the edge of town to get to your speeder. However you were stopped by a group of Stormtroopers. Just when you were sure that you were deep fried a couple of old mystics helped you. You swiftly turned and headed out of where you were. Once back to base you had one of your friends show Jyn to Saw. While you returned to your seat at the table in the corner. Cassian sat down across from you.
   "I'm sorry. I want you back. Please... Please come back." He reached over and took your hands in his.
   "I wasn't emotionally compromised before, but I am now. It hurts Cassian. What you said what you did it hurts. I want to reaccept you to hold you in my arms as I try to sleep. I want a family with you, but you hurt me badly. I just want to know why." You looked him in the eyes.
   "They were talking about plans to send you in as a spy. They wanted you to try to get into Moff Tarkins star ddstroyer. I couldn't them do that. I didn't want to lose you, but I lost you anyways. I just want you back. After this mission I'll take a break. We can go on a short vacation. Just me and you and we can talk about our future. We can love eachother again. Just please... Please allow me to make everything up to you. We can marry or we can plan where we will settle down together. As long as we're together I'll be happy." The sincerity in his eyes and his voice caused your heart to stop as your mind raised. You smiled lightly and nodded.
   "Okay. I'll come back and I will love you again even though I never really stopped." He smiled brightly and pulled you into a kiss that knocked the air from your lungs.

          2 Years Later

   You wobbled around your new home on Lothal. It was a nice peaceful planet. You and Cassian decided on it being your new home while on a small retreat after you and your team returned from Scarif. You married shortly after your return and got straight back to work. Bringing a swift end to the Empire, and you and Cassian couldn't be happier. You were 6 months pregnant and you were beyond nervous but atleast you have your husband. Your entire team actually moved to Lothal with you and Cassian after it ended. You couldn't help but feel blessed. You and the Force had your quarrels, but in the end it was well worth it. You had your farm, your husband, and your friends. What more could you possibly need or want? You set down one of the dishes you carried from the kitchen to serve dinner to your husband and your guests. You gently sat next to him and grabbed his hand while you smiled at him. This... This was perfect.

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