Chapter Fifty- One: Ducks and Drawings

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Quick Fact: Chapter Fifty- One in the first book was the chapter Ellie was born in... now it's her third birthday chapter! :) 

{Perrie's POV}

"Why were your fingers in Mummy?" Ellie asks Zayn. Oh fuck. Oh fuckity, fucking, fuck. How the crapping hell did she even see that? No! This is bad! This is very, very bad! We are terrible parents. Shit. Oh my God.

"Excuse me?" A voice says from around the corner and I know that voice anywhere. Hint of laughter, bit high for a male. Louis steps around the corner, followed by Eleanor, Liam, Danielle and Zuri. Oh fudge.

"Why were your fingers in Mummy?" Liam asks, a little annoyed with Zayn. Knowing Liam, it won't be because that's what we were doing, more because Ellie saw what we were doing. Zayn bites his lip and I go back to making the fairy bread. Zayn was the one with the fingers, I wasn't in control.

"Ellie! Come here!" I yell as Zayn gets a chat from Liam and Louis. Eleanor and Dani sit down at the bench, smiling to themselves and I squat down to Ellie's height. "El, you have to listen," I look into her blue eyes and she nods, looking back into mine, full attention for once. "You cannot repeat that to anyone. It's not something you should know and if you repeat it you will be in big trouble." I warn her, using a sterner tone than normal.

"Otay." Ellie nods, still mispronouncing that word. "I won't." She smiles and then runs off. I stand up and take a deep breath in before letting it out. Eleanor and Dani are just smirking at me from across the bench.

"You two really suck at locking doors, and being quiet and all that sort of stuff." Eleanor laughs and I nod, agreeing. I mean, Dani and Liam never do it with Zuri catching them, or Ella and Niall! Ellie's asked about sex, told everyone she hears us having sex, walked in on us after having sex, walked in on Zayn fingering me.... bloody hell.

"It's bloody cold today," Dani says and I nod, looking across at the heater panel. Eleanor jumps up and turns up the heat for them to produce and then sits back down. "Apparently we're going to have the coldest winter for England in twenty years." Dani adds and Eleanor and I both let out annoyed noises. "Snow is apparently supposed to start falling in November! It's the twenty- eighth of October today, not that far off!" Dani exclaims and I just shake my head.

Coats, beanies, warm food, blankets and staying indoors sound good this Christmas. But first lets get through Ellie's third birthday.


"Ellie, I have one more present for you." Louis says once everyone has given her the gifts. Ellie nods, still sitting on the couch and Louis brings out a cardboard box with holes in it. OH NO! Last time this happened it was a-

"DUCK!" Ellie yells when Louis pulls another Mallard Duck out of the box. Fucking hell Louis. Ellie squeals and picks up the duck, hugging it tightly. As if on cue Lou Duck runs into the room and Ellie holds one duck in each arm.

I change my gaze to Louis and give him an annoyed look. Louis just smirks in response and I shake my head. "Sorry." He chuckles and I just roll my eyes. If either of those ducks hurt Lillie and Rosie, they both go. Sorry Ellie.

"What are you going to name this one, El?" Jesy asks Ellie, laughing a little as she looks at me. I just shake my head and then look at Ellie who is concerntrating on picking a name for her new duck. "It's another boy." Jesy informs Ellie. Wait? How does she- they were all in on it!

Jade laughs and I just shoot a glare in her direction. They are going to pay for this.

"DARCY!" Ellie yells and we look down at her. "I'm naming him Darcy! Now I have Lou Duck and Darcy Duck!" Ellie giggles and we all smile at how cute she is. Darcy is more commonly a girl's name, but it works for a boy too.

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