Chapter Forty- Four: How Fast The Night Changes...

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{Jade's POV}

"Right, they're all asleep. Turn it back on." Perrie leaps over the back of her couch and sits down next to me as I turn her television back onto the X- Factor. The boys are performing tonight, twenty- second of September, and to be honest, this years competetors have been really good so it will be interesting to watch. 

"And now, the band that came third on the X- Factor eleven years ago, but are still flying high, it's Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn! It's One Direction!" The presenter yells. Dermot ended years ago, which is sad. 

The X Factor introduction thing plays and then the boys appear on the screen and do an amazing performance of Night Changes. I've always loved this song. Mind you, I love all of their music. 

Their performance ends and they start talking to the presenter as I mute the TV and turn to face Perrie. She looks at me and I study her face. Her bright blue eyes, parts of lighter blue mixing into the brighter blue, making it look like a flowing ocean. 

Her fair skin that suits her eyes and natural blonde hair that now falls back to her shoulder's like in 2012. Perrie gives me a confused look and I just smile at how adorable she is. Wait? What am I saying? But...

"Ja-" She goes to speak but I cut her off by placing my lips against hers. At first she doesn't kiss back but then I feel her hands cup my face and her lips moving in sync with mine. I keep kissing her and she returns the favour until we abruptly pull off and Perrie jumps across the couch about a metre away from me. 

"What the fuck was that?" Perrie whispers in confusion. I actually have no clue why I kissed her or why she kissed back. I didn't feel any special connection, and hopefully she didn't because I have Harry and she has Zayn.... fuck.

"Is that considered cheating?" I ask and Perrie's eyes grow wide. "No, surely not," I try and make it better. "We didn't know what we were doing and plus, we're best friends. It was just a stupid mistake." I say standing up and then hugging her before walking over to the table and grabbing my bag. 

"Definatley just a silly little best friend accident thing!" Perrie looks disgusted that we actually did that. I laugh a little and head off towards the entry hall. "I kissed a girl and I didn't like it, hope my husband don't mind it." Perrie sings and I have the sudden urge to crack up.

I turn around to face her and she's just smiling. "See you soon Pezz." I laugh and she waves, still giggling at herself as I walk off. God Almighty Perrie. 


{Leigh- Anne's POV}

"So you and Jade full on made out?" I ask trying to get Perrie's story straight. She told me what happened between her and Jade two days ago and to be honest it's quite funny.

"No, we didn't make out. We just, kissed." Perrie says and we both laugh. I don't know whether that's actually really weird or not? Surely their not bisexual. Perrie said she was kind of weirded out by it all, which is beneficial for Zayn I guess. 

I turn around to grab the final few items I need to put into the cupboard but run into Perrie. I let out a squeak and grab my right boob. Perrie looks at me confused and takes the items, putting them into the cupboard and then coming back to me. 

"You okay Leigh?" Perrie asks and I nod. Should I tell her? I haven't told anyone yet and I think it would be good to get an opinion on what I should do about this?

"Yeah, Per, can you just come over here?" I ask, taking her hand and leading her around to the couch. We both sit down and I look at her. She's giving me her full attention, which is good. I sometimes think she goes into Lala Baby Brain Land, but she isn't at the moment. Zayn and Louis are looking after the children so I could steal Perrie.

"What's up?" Perrie asks me.

"Well, this is going to sound weird but can you check my boobs?" I ask and Perrie bites her lip to stop herself from laughing. "Yes?" I ask, wanting to know why this is so funny.

"Have you and Jade got some sort of goal to turn me into a lesbian?" Perrie asks and I start laughing. (A/N: No offence to Lesbians, it just works with the plot). Oh Perrie! 

"No!" I exclaim and she stops laughing and just smiles. "This is serious! I swear! Cause I think I have a lump on my right boob." I tell her and her smile drops immediately, worry now spread across her face.

"Yeah, sure." Perrie replies and I pull off my top and unclip my bra, lying down with my right arm above my head so Perrie can check. 

I watch as she moves her hand down to my breast and soon her fingers hit the right one, pressing around. She feels right around them and as she comes to a couple of centimetres below my nipple, I let out a gasp from the pain.

"It hurts there?" She asks and presses there again and I nod, biting my lip from the pain. Perrie feels around and she looks worried. 

"There is a lump isn't there Per?" I ask, just making sure I'm not hulicinating.

"I'm not a doctor," Perrie reminds me. "But there is a lump." Perrie adds and I nod my head. This cannot be serious thing. Please don't be something serious. "Do you want me to call Ella to come have a look?" Perrie asks and I nod my head as she walks off to call her. Oh Fuck.


"Okay." Ella sits back after feeling the lump. Perrie, Jesy and Jade are all standing by, watching worriedly. What is it? "You can put your clothes back on." Ella says and we all laugh. I sit up and pull on my bra and top.

"Is it bad?" Jesy asks Ella and she shrugs.

"I cannot tell what it actually is from feeling around," Ella says. "I don't specialise in this sort of thing too, but, when was the last time you had a mammogram?" Ella asks me. Oh woah! That would've been years and years ago I last had one.

"A very long time ago." I reply and Ella laughs a little. "Should I go have one?" I ask and Ella nods.

"Yes you should, and I'm guessing from the looks on your faces you three should too," Ella looks at Jesy, Jade and Perrie who all laugh a little. "I can make the call and book all four of you in if you want? Then text you the details." Ella suggests and we agree, thanking her. 

"Okay! Good luck, see you all soon!" Ella hugs us all and then heads off. I turn and look at the girls who rush over and hug me. I let a tear fall down my face and Jade just wipes it away. 

"It's okay Leigh. It's going to be okay." Jade soothes me and I take a deep breath. So many things could be going on inside my boob and I'm terrifed. They're my boobs! Not some disease's!

"But what if it's not?" I ask and their faces drop. 

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