Chapter Three: The Joe Generation

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{Louis’ POV}

I watch all the children playing pass the parcel in Ella and Niall’s lounge room as I sit next to Zayn.

“You know, I’m thirty next year.” I say to Zayn and he laughs. It’s kind of scary to think I’m going to be thirty next year…. I will have been alive for three decades.

“Well, I’m going to be twenty- eight in less than a month,” Zayn mumbles. It’s hard to think that back in July, the twenty- third to be exact, it was ten years since the boys and I formed on the X- Factor. Ten years of One Direction and bloody hell those ten years have gone so fast.

“How’s Perrie?” I ask Zayn, bringing up conversation he just shrugs in response. Well what’s that supposed to mean Zayn? “Are you fighting? Is she sick? Is she well? Have you talked to her?” I ask Zayn.

“No, we talked on the tenth. She’s well but Jade told me she’s been really moody lately and seems fine until someone mentions me, which I don’t like the thought of.” Zayn explains. Ouch!

“Well, I’m sure it’s going to blow over once she gets home,” I pat Zayn’s back and pass the parcel ends. Niall calls out cake time and we all gather around to sing Happy Birthday to Asha.

She’ll be five for real in five days. Oh my deary dog! There’s only six sleeps until Christmas now! That’s come so quick since last year!

“Uncle Louis!” Asha runs over. I bend down to her height and nod for her to continue. “Can you do the dancing with us?” Asha asks, pointing at all of her friends.

I let out a chuckle and stand up, happy that I get to dance. Harry groans and Liam covers his eyes. Niall starts the music and I start to teach the kids all of the One Direction and my dance moves.

The kids have heaps of fun doing them, until I get to The Joe. “And this is The Joe!” I smile and go to demonstrate it.

“NO LOUIS!” Harry yells. “Don’t teach them that!” Harry runs over and stops me. “Five year olds don’t need to know how to hip thrust. We don’t want to create a generation of them.” Harry whispers.

I laugh and agree with Harry. “I’ll just teach them how to twerk.” I reply. Liam’s eyes grow huge and Harry spins around at a great speed, his eyes bulging out of his head. “Just joking,” I chuckle, reassuring my friends. “Let’s do Stop the Traffic, Let ‘em Through again kids.” I smile at the children and they cheer, dancing around with me.

I go and sit down with Liam as the kids continue to dance around, along with Zuri and Ellie- who have no clue what they’re doing. Ellie looks so adorable when she dances because she just bounces around like an idiot. Daughter like Father.

“Look at this,” Liam points out Zayn talking to a mother. She’s one of the single mothers I know that for a fact and she seems to be trying to seduce Zayn. I laugh and Zayn gives us a worried look.

“Does she know he has a child and wife?” Liam asks me.  

“She knows he has Ellie, not Perrie though.” I reply, laughing and how awkward Zayn looks.

The phone starts ringing and Asha runs off to answer it. I keep watching Zayn and see Asha walking over.

“Who is it Ash?” Niall asks her, heading towards his daughter.

“Auntie Perrie.” Asha replies. I see Zayn lunge out of his seat and I laugh a little at the woman next to him. She looks shocked at what he’s just done.

Niall hands Zayn the phone and he walks off to chat to Perrie. The woman just sits there wondering what’s happened.

“Are you okay love?” I call out to her. She looks up and notices Liam and I smiling at her.

“What was with that?” She asks shocked.

“His wife is in Paris. That’s who is calling.” Liam replies emphasising the fact Zayn is married. The woman looks shocked and gets up, walking off. Liam and I start laughing under our breaths and Ella whacks us both.

“Be nice.” She warns.

“Yes Doctor.” Liam nods and Ella rolls her eyes before walking off. We sit there watching the kids running around and soon Ellie comes over.

“Hey Boops.” I pull her onto my lap. “What’s up?” I ask as she looks around. I stand up with her on my hip and walk over to the table, pointing at things as she shakes her head.

“Drink please.” Ellie tells me. I nod and grab a cup, pouring apple juice into it and then handing it to Ellie. We head back to the couch and I sit there with Ellie on my lap she carefully drinks her juice.

Zayn walks back into the room, hangs up the phone and then comes and sits down next to me. He looks very happy, which is a change from the past few days.

"Yes Malik?" I ask him. "Perrie in a better mood now?" I ask. Zayn nods and Ellie spits her drink all over Zayn's legs.

"Mumma!" She squeals. I laugh at Zayn who wipes Ellie's spit and juice off him with one of Niall's couch pillows and then rubs Ellie's cheek. 

"Yeah Mumma. Only eight days til you get to see her Baba." Zayn tells Ellie and she smiles with delight. 

I hope to one day have children like Ellie. Kids I can take everywhere and do things with, watch them grow up before my eyes. But at the moment, being Ellie's Godfather is the best thing! 

{Leigh- Anne's POV}

I sit on the couch watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air. The weather outside is digusting but it looks pretty, to an extent. The Parisian lights look all blurred through the rain droplets on the windows, which looks awesome, but I'm thankful I didn't go out into the rain.

Jesy and Jade went out to go shopping at some famous street. Must not be that famous because I can't even remember the name of it. Perrie's in the hotel room somewhere. 

As I look back at the television Perrie appears in front of me, beaming. She's actually been really happy today- don't know how long it's going to last though. She got off the phone with Zayn a few hours ago, then watched Fresh Prince of Bel Air with me, then went off somewhere and now she's reappeared. 

"Do you mind Pezz?" I ask, hinting that I'm trying to watch the telly. She pauses the DVD and then squats there smiling at me. "What?" I ask, smiling because her smile is contagious.

"I have something but you have to promise me you will NOT tell anyone. Not a single soul," Perrie holds out her right pinky finger. I link my pinky and swear I won't tell anyone. 

"Okay? What?" I ask, sitting up and getting excited. Perrie pulls something out of her back pocket and my eyes bulge at the sight of it. 

"What does it say?" I ask, squealing a little. 

"Positive," Perrie replies. "Leigh I'm pregnant." 

"Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too!"

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