Chapter Eight: Planes

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So, Wattpad had a glitch and deleted my orignial chapter eight so... this is my new chapter eight and I'm so sorry it's taken so long! Enjoy :)


{Leigh- Anne's POV}

I look out from my hiding place, trying not to be seen because if I am seen, I will be shot. 

There's been no movement for a while so I creep out of my hiding place and across the wooden floors, ready to lunge down into a commando position at any random fire from the opposition or ready to fire at the opposition if I see them before they see me.

As I walk around the corner I see him, smirking and holding his gun, aiming it at me. "Babye." He chuckles and fires. The bullet makes a whilsting sound as it glides through the air, heading straight at me.

The bullet hits me in the chest and I fall to the ground, dying.

Nah! I'm fake dying. Jordan just shot me with a Nerf gun bullet. We're playing Jordan and Leigh World War Three. BEST GAME EVER! 

Jordan chuckles and walks over to me, lifiting me up off the ground. "Come on Lee Lee. TIme to go to Louis'." Jordan smiles before grabbing his keys, wallet and phone.

We're heading to Louis' for his New Year's Eve party. Yep! It's the last day of 2020. In six hours and one minute it will be 2021- a new year, new opportunities, new achievements and new excitement. New days to spend with those three idiots I call my bandmates, the five weirdoes that go by the name One Direction who I call my brothers, my boyfriend Jordan and all those other people I love to bits!


{Harry's POV}

"Ooh! What type of plane is that Uncle Hazza?" Ellie asks, her face pressed up against the giant piece of glass window that looks across one of the many runways of Heathrow Airport.

Jade and I are leaving to France in half an hour to start our holiday. Louis came to drop us off, Ellie loves planes and wanted to come and see them and therefore, Louis brought Ellie with him.

"A big one." I reply to Ellie and she just continues to display a scary sight for people on the other side of the glass, as in the men loading luggage onto the plane who will probably look up and see an normally adorable infant, squishing her gorgeous face up to the glass, creating a scary scene.

"Uncle Hazza," Ellie turns to me, removing her face from the glass. Her face is all red and white from the pressure she was applying on the glass. I chuckle as it goes back to it's normal tanned colour. "Why do Dadda and I get called Malik but Mumma gets called Erad- er- rads?" Ellie asks.

Did and two year old seriously just ask me that? Since when do two year olds think about shit like that? I don't even think I've thought about that seriously! It went in one ear and out the other, leaving a small trace of the information on my brain. 

And the way Ellie tried to say Edwards was just too adorable!

"Well, for starters you say it Ed- wards," I tell Ellie and she nods. "And secondly. Your Mumma's name is Perrie Edwards- Malik. So she does have Malik but it comes after Edwards," I try and explain it to Ellie but she gives me a confused look. God damnit can't she ask Perrie this? 

"Are Mumma and Dadda man- ar- ried?" Ellie asks me. 

"Married," I correct her again. "And yes they are. They got married nine months before you were born," I continue before I laugh at the fact they concieved Ellie on their honeymoon. "And your Mumma just kept her surname and added your Dadda's on the end." I try and explain it again.

"Oh!" Ellie gasps. "So Mumma's actu- anar- ley called Ed- ar- wards- Malik?" Ellie asks. I nod my head in response. "I'm going to keep Malik." Ellie tells me and I chuckle. Two years old and already planning her future.

"Okay." I nod and high five Ellie. "Want to take a selfie?" I ask Ellie. She gives me a confused look. What the heck? She asked me about surnames but doesn't know what a flipping selfie is? Mother of lambs. "Come here." I motion for Ellie to come over so she does.

I rest her in my lap and grab out my phone, going into camera and changing the camera to front camera. Ellie pulls a face with her eyes crossed and does that weird mouth thing Perrie does where one half of her mouth goes up and the other down. I chuckle and cross my eyes, poking my tongue out before taking the photo.

"Thanks bubba." I kiss Ellie's forehead and she runs off to watch the planes again. I just sit there kind of monitoring Ellie whilst going to Twitter.

@Harry_Styles: From watching Ellie pressing her face against the glass watching planes to that weird moment when a two year old asks why her surname is different to her Mum's and then doesn't know what a selfie is.... Going to miss her so much! xx

I post and attatch the photo Ellie and I took. I also set the photo as my home screen with my lock screen still being the selfie Jade and I took of us kissing but Lou Duck has stuck his head through the middle of our bodies- so there's us kissig and a green duck head. 

"AF1381 to Paris is now taking passengers from gate 10. That's AF1381 to Paris is now reading for boarding. Thank you." The PA system calls.

I look behind me and see them opening the ramp and ticket station to the plane and I notice Jade and Louis standing up.

"Ellie!" I call. She runs over to me and I take her hand, heading over to Jade and Louis. I take my carry on backpack and sling it onto my back. I then bend down to Ellie's height and pull her into a hug. "I love you bubba. Be good for everyone, have fun, stay safe," I tell her. "Look after Mumma extra well for me, okay?" I ask her quietly.

"Why?" Ellie whispers back.

"You'll find out soon," I reply. Ellie nods and hugs me tightly again, nuzzling her head into my neck. "Okay, I love you Ellie." I say. She pulls back and kisses my lips. I peck her nose and then stand up, saying goodbye to Louis as Jade says goodbye to Ellie.

Jade and I head over, get our tickets checked and then head to the ramp. I turn around and both Louis and Ellie are waving. I wave back and then dissapear down the ramp.

"You don't need magic to dissapear. All you need is a destination."

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