Chapter Fourteen: Black Fairy Wings

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{Zayn's POV}

"What are you doing Baba?" I ask Ellie as she runs around in her black fairy wings. Yes, she has black fairy wings. Not white or pink or purple wings like most of the little girls. Black wings. (Picture on side).

"I'm zapping Uncle Lou." Ellie replies as she stares into his eyes making a 'zap' noise. Liam, Harry, Niall, Louis and I laugh and Ellie keeps staring at Louis.

"Just like her Dad and physco Uncle Lou." Paul walks into the room and Louis and I high five each other, proud of our achievement. "Okay lads, time to go." Paul nods at the door and all five of us jump up heading towards the door.

"Coming to watch El?" I ask as she watches us leaving the room to go onto the morning interview. Ellie nods and runs up to me, placing her little hand into mine as we walk down the corridor.

We soon get to the studio where they're filming the much loved breakfast show that broadcasts across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland of a morning. (A/N: Made up show).

"Dadda I don't want to stay here." Ellie says to me and I look down, my eyes meeting the mirror imagine eyes of Perrie's. It's kind of freaky how alike their eyes are.

"It'll be fine El. I'm going to be right over there and you'll be with Paul. You love Paul." I reply. Perrie had to go to Manchester for studio work with the girls and Ellie chose to stay in London, so here we are.

"Not today." Ellie shakes her head. I chuckle. So she doesn't love Paul today.

I look up and they're waiting for us boys to walk on. Liam, Louis, Harry and Niall walk on whilst Ellie clings to my leg, not going anywhere.

"Where's the fifth one?" I hear one of the presenters ask. I have a baby koala on my leg!

The boys look across and laugh at little at me. Paul tries to persuade Ellie to move but she won't. Holy flying dog she's so stubborn sometimes!

"Just bring her with you Zayn!" Liam calls.

"Are you going to behave?" I ask Ellie. She nods and I pick her up, securing her on my hip and then running onto the set, taking my seat in between Liam and Louis. Harry is on Liam's other side closest to the interviewers and Niall is on Louis' other side.

"Sorry." I apologise and sit Ellie on my lap. Louis chuckles and the presenters, Michael and Denise tell me not to worry about it.

The interview runs smoothly, a lot of chatter about our tour with Little Mix and whether anything more will happen between them and ourselves, which we're not sure about yet to be honest. But of course there's always that stage where they ask those much loved personal questions.

"So who is this we have here in Zayn's crotch sorry?" Michael asks nodding at Ellie. Oh! We didn't introduce Ellie! The boys and I laugh and Ellie pulls a confused face, obviously not knowing what a crotch is. She has kind of slid down in between my legs now and is just sitting there casually.

"Tell them your name." I whisper in her ear.

"I'm Ellie." Ellie tells the interviewers. Denise makes an 'aww' face and Michael smiles.
"She's Zayn's two- year- old." Louis clarifies and we all laugh a little, nodding our heads. It's weird to think that she'll be three in October. It feels like only yesterday we found out we were having Ellie.

"She looks a bit like an inverted Louis today." Liam points out and I look down at her navy blue shorts, stripy red and white tee and white vans with black suspenders and her hair in a French braid with a navy blue ribbon- not to forget the black wings. 

We all agree and Michael looks down at his card before looking back up at us boys.

"So Liam, what's going on with your little family?" Michael asks him. They're a very cute family!

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