Chapter Thirty- Two: Blue to Grey

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{Perrie's POV}

Have you ever wanted to shoot Zayn Malik? Maybe, maybe not... well I do right now- if I could find him and if guns were legal in England. Okay, I don't mean that... I might just hit him a couple of times. And don't think because I'm due to have our twins anytime in the next three weeks I cannot whack the shit out of him.. I've got a hard hit and a lot of hormones. 

You're probably wondering why I want to hit my husband? Well, since our fight in the car, we've been having stupid little arguments that lead into fights, resulting in one of us storming out of the house. 

"Mumma!" Ellie squeals running into the kitchen. I look at my little girl who is wearing her undies, Converses, black fairy wings and her suspenders clipped to her undies- like normal. 

"Yes Ellie?" I respond as I squat down to her height. Yes I can squat, no my bump doesn't get in the way. I only look seven months pregnant with one baby, which is worrying me a heck of a lot. 

"Can we go to the park?" She asks. I nod my head and Ellie squeals and starts to run off. 

"Ellie!" I yell for her to stop. Ellie turns around and faces me, an innocent look on her face. "Put some clothes on please." I smile and she nods, sprinting off up the stair case. 

I turn off things I need to turn off, lock the doors, grab Ellie and I a coach each, put on some Vans and then grab my phone, purse and keys before waiting for Ellie at the front door. 

She bounds in soon enough, in the same clothes- just with shorts and a long sleeve tee on underneath. I smile and open the door, taking her small tanned hand and leading her out, locking the door behind us. 

We arrive at the park and Ellie sprints straight up onto the equiptment. I follow her around as she bounds around on the eupitment, laughing her head off at how much fun she's having. I laugh too at her adorableness as she leaps around. 

"Mumma! I'm too hot!" She exclaims throwing her coat at me. I catch it as she continues to play around on the coloured metal and wooden playground. 

I catch her at the bottom of the slide just as another kid comes down the slide. Ellie goes to run off but the child yells her name as I smile.

"Ellie!" Asha squeals and I look up to see Niall and Leigh- Anne walking my way. Why Leigh- Anne is here I have no clue, but it's Leigh, which is good!

"Hey!" I smile at them as Ellie and Asha run off and that's when I notice the purple cast on Asha's arm. "Niall, what did you do this time?" I ask as he comes closer.

"What do you mean?" Niall replies in a guity way. Leigh rolls her eyes and I just laugh a little. 

"This is the third time Asha has broke her left arm in two years!" I respond and Niall pulls a very guilty face. The first time Asha was on Niall's back and he dropped her and the second time he was teaching her to ride her bike without training wheels and he tripped over something, knocking the bike and sending Asha off- so God knows what he's done this time?!

"Well, I knocked her backwards off the table. We were standing on it to get away from a spider." Niall replies and Leigh and I both laugh. Oh Niall! Twenty- seven and afraid of a spider! I understand Asha, but a grown man?

"Well done." I reply and we stand chatting about different things for a while. "Hey, um, do you know where Zayn is?" I ask Niall. Niall sighs and Leigh gives me a confused look. 

"He's been at the studio with Harry like, everyday. I know 'cause Hazz tells me." Niall replies. I nod and bite my lip. "There's a new songwriter they're working with but I don't know why they need to be there everyday?" Niall says and I agree. 

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