Chapter Six: Winter Fair

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{Harry's POV}

I watch Jade pulling on her green jacket, yep the parka jacket that she takes everywhere, and then I take her smaller hand in mine.

She was so excited when I told her that we are coming here, to the Winter Fair. I made her a cooked breakfast and gave Jade her birthday gifts this morning and now we're at the fair grounds.

"Is that my friends?" Jade asks pointing at the two brown haired girls, one blonde and small curly haired child waiting at the gate with their backs to us. I look down at Jade and nod. She squeals and runs over to them.

Leigh, Jesy, Perrie and Ellie all spin around and cheer Happy Birthday before engulfing Jade in hugs. I make my way over and hug all the girls.

Jesy is wearing black skinny jeans, a red jumper and black Doc Martens, Leigh's wearing grey skinny jeans, a burgundy Hogwarts jumper and Timberlands, Perrie's wearing denim skinny jeans, a blue jumper, white Vans and a black pom pom beanie and Ellie's in a black Christmas sweater, navy blue skirt overalls with little whales on them, black stockings and mini Timberlands- looking adorable as ever!

Jade decided she would be cold this morning so she put on black leggings, grey Vans, a singlet, grey jumper and then her jacket. I just put on black jeans, black Vans and a white jumper.

"Ready to go in Ladies?" I ask them. They all nod and I pay for us all to enter. This probably looks really bad- like I'm this manwhore with four women and I happened to impregnate one of them and now I have a daughter to one of them too. Actually... Most people know who we are so what am I saying?

"What shall we do first?" I ask looking around. All of the girls point at the Ferris wheel. Well I guess that's where we're going then.


"What's that Mumma?" Ellie asks, pointing at a kid carrying fairy floss. "It looks like pink clouds on a stick." She scrunches up her face. 

"That's a sweet thing you eat," I reply to Ellie whose resting on Perrie's hip. "It's called fairy floss. Do you want some?" I ask the small child. 

"Yes please." Ellie nods and we head over to the sweet stall. I buy Ellie, Jesy, Leigh and Jade some fairy floss and then hand it to them all.

Ellie bites her's and I watch her face fill with amazement as she eats it. She gasps and I'm guessing she just realised it melts in your mouth. 

"Oooh! I like pink clouds!" Ellie tells me with delight. I chuckle and nod my head, rubbing her head as she eats some more and then puts some in Perrie's mouth. 

I take Jade's hand and we head towards the next ride. Only Jesy, Jade and Ellie go on this one whilst the rest of us walk to where the end of the ride is.

I walk slightly behind Leigh- Anne and Perrie, listening to what they're saying. 

"To think you're going to have another one." Leigh laughs at Perrie. Another what? Dog, cat, orange, toothbrush? What?

"I like the idea of it, just not labour. I've already got a little bump that's only going to get bigger." Perrie says to Leigh. I stop dead in my tracks. No...... She's not pregnant, surely?


The girls realise I've stopped and turn around. I just give them both a huge grin and Leigh gasps, Perrie just stares at me.

"Did you hear?" Leigh asks. I nod my head and Perrie curses under her breath. Leigh and Perrie storm up to me and Leigh grabs my collar.

"You listen Styles. If you tell a living soul you will be in SO much trouble." Perrie tells me. I nod and so does Perrie. "Good." She smiles.

Yes, this is good! Another baby Zerrie! 

I engulf Perrie into a huge hug and spin her around cheering as Leigh- Anne laughs and Perrie squeals. "This is awesome!" I cheer and place Perrie back onto two feet. "What do you know? How far? When did you find out? Does Zayn know? How do you feel?" I ask numerous questions until Leigh places her hand over my mouth.

"Zayn doesn't know. I found out a couple of days ago. I don't know how far and I feel kind of sick." Perrie replies, answering my questions. I make an 'o' shape with my mouth and then smile again. "Leigh and I are going to the doctor tomorrow and then I'll tell Zayn." Perrie adds.

I nod and hug Perrie again, asking if I can come too. Leigh- Anne and Perrie agree and we head to the end of the ride just as it's finishing. 

"Not a word." Leigh points at me and I zip across my lips with my fingers, signifying I wont tell anybody.

"What now?" Jade bounces over to me and I smile at how adorable she is. I'm so lucky to have Jade as my girlfriend. To be able to call her mine, to know I'm hers at night and no other douche's.

"I want to take you somewhere. Do you girls mind?" I ask the others. They shake their heads in response, smirks covering their lips. "We'll meet you at the gate in ten." I add and they all nod before I take Jade's hand, walking off with her.

Two years ago, I ruined my relationship with Jade. Then, one year ago, we fixed it again and this past year we've only been getting stronger. To know that Jade actually loves me for who I am and the fact that I love her for who she is basically runs this relationship, plus the fact we love each other and trust each other dearly.

We arrive at the ball toss where you have to knock down all the cans to get a prize. I pay for both Jade and I to have a go and Jade almost hits all of the cans but doesn't quite. I completely miss on my first throw, making Jade laugh, hit three on my third and completely take out all of the cans on my third throw. 

Jade cheers and then laughs and the man asks me to pick a giant toy and a medium sized toy. Jade picks out a big purple bunny and for her medium toy she asks for the fluffy white polar bear.

The man hands them both over, we thank him and then head to the main gate. The others are waiting and Jade gives Ellie the polar bear but keeps the bunny for herself. We all part our seperate ways and I head back to our home with Jade.

After having toasted sandwiches for dinner Jade and I sit on the couch and watch Cinderella together. Half way through the movie Jade rest her head down in my lap and starts to drift off to sleep.

"I love you Harry." Jade mumbles as she completely closes her eyes.

I place a gentle kiss on her forehead and run my fingers through her hair. "I love you too Jade." I reply and then continue to watch Cinderella whilst my own princess sleeps peacefully in my lap.

"Don't tell people your dreams. Show them." 

One Little DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora