Chapter Thirty- Eight: Harry Will Be Harry

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{Jade's POV}

Right. I'm sick of my twit face of a boyfriend. Look at him, just sitting across the room, glaring at me back. This is supposed to be a nice family dinner. Well, our family consisting of Elounor, Payzer, Zuri, Zerrie, Ellie, Lillie, Rosie, Nilla and Asha, Jordsy, Leighdan, Harry and myself- situated in Jesy's lounge room. 

Harry's tongue runs over his bottom lip and his green eyes glisten with joy due to the fact he knows he's pissing me off. I'm not angry anymore at his mistakes from the other day- just the fact an apology might be nice. But that doesn't matter because I have other plans. 

"Get up!" I demand and stand up. The room stops and they all look at me.

Harry slowly pulls himself up out of the armchair he's in and makes his way towards the middle of the room, slow strides getting him so he's now a mere five inches away from me. 

I can feel his hot breath hitting my chest as he breathes down and I can smell his cologne that makes me weak at the knees. NO JADE! Do not let the Curly Fucker win.

"Yes Jade?" He smirks and biutes his bottom lip, making my knees weaker yet again.

"Harry," I take a deep breath and flick my hair back. "To be brutally honest, you've been the biggest shit head over the past few days." I admit and some of the parents grab the kids ears. "But some bloody thing in my body keeps me coming back to you, keeps me drunkenly in love with you." I admit and his smirk stays plastered on his face.

"Magnetic force." Jesy says and we all look at her confused. "Continue." She motions to me and I just turn back to Harry. 

"I don't know how the heck I fell in love with you, but I know I've never stopped," I admit. "And yes yiu've done fucking stupid things in the past and yes you drive me up the walls but let me tell you something," I rant on. "I love you with every bit of me and I cannot bare to think of days without you." I admit and someone makes an 'aww' noise. Not the time guys. 

"Even when we're old and crippled?" Harry questions. 

"Yes." I respond with full certainity. 

"Even when I'm drunk?"

"Yes. Sadly then too."

"Even when I sleep with other people?" He smirks.

"Harry." I warn making him chuckle.

"Joking!" He does his cuocake face and I roll my eyes. "What about if I call you a High Matienance Bitch?" He asks, making, my blood boil immediately. Oh well, Harry will be Harry. 

"Shut up you Curly Fucker." I respond. We're going to have such bad mouthed children I tell you. But, I don't care.... 

I look into Harry's eyes. Those eyes so full of love and kindness but just taken over by shit and crap sometimes. Those eyes I fell in love with. Those eyes that hold a story of a little boy with a mop of curls who made amazing things out of an average childhood, creating a daring and wonderful life. 

I then know it's time. I bend down onto one knee and the room gasps but Harry just smirks. I look into his eyes as he chews his lip. I know I won't regret this, even if he does say no. 

"Harry Edward Styles, will you marry me?" 

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