Chapter One: 344 Days Later

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344 Days Later. 5th December 2020.

 {Louis’ POV}

I stand listening to the trees rustling in the winter wind. Eleanor’s hand feels cold as my hand brushes past her left hand, that now has a gold wedding ring on it, so I place my big hand on her smaller hand and bury them in my pocket.

I look at Eleanor and she smiles at me before going back to waiting and watching for Asha to come running across the school yard on her last day of Kindergarten.

I asked to pick her up because Ella’s working and Niall, well I just wanted too. Niall said I could and I brought my lovely wife with me too.

Eleanor and I got married June this year. We had a lovely summer wedding and it was such an amazing, life changing day.

We had the ceremony set up in a field and then went to the local hotel for the reception. Dani was Eleanor’s maid of honour and Lottie and Fizzy were her other bridesmaids.

Harry was my best man, of course and then Liam, Niall and Zayn were the other groomsmen. Asha, Ellie and Zuri as flower girls and Ernest was the page boy.

I never imagined getting married was so amazing, so life changing, fulfilling. I think I cried more at Zerrie’s wedding but at my own wedding it was different. I felt like I had to be strong to protect Eleanor from any harm.

Either way, it was a fantastic day and Eleanor looked beautiful!

The school bell rings and children come flooding out everywhere. I really dislike this because they all look the same in their little boater hats.

“Uncle Lou! Auntie Eleanor!” I hear Asha’s small voice and then notice her running towards us. Eleanor bends down and Asha jumps into her arms, hugging her tight. She looks so adorable in her over sized blazer and boater hat!

“Hey Ash! How was school?” I ask her, bopping her little nose and making her giggle.

“Good! I finished my Christmas cards. My teacher, his name is Mr. Pattern, he let me do cards for everyone!” Asha says with excitement. Eleanor and I both laugh and tell Asha that that’s awesome.

"Would you like to go and get some hot chocolate Asha?” Eleanor asks the small child. She nods her head with excitement and we head out to my car.

I strap Asha into the car seat and then drive the three of us to the nearest café so we can have hot chocolate to warm us up.

Once we’re inside the café we order and soon our drinks come.

“Excited for Christmas Ash?” Eleanor asks her. Asha squeals with delight and finishes her mouthful, gulping loudly.

“Yes!” Asha says excitedly. “First is my birthday party and then, then it’s our actual birthday Uncle Lou,” Asha starts and we high five each other. “And then we have Christmas and then New Year and, and, and oh my wow we’ll be tired.” Asha gasps, holding her tiny hands up against the sides of her face.

SO ADORABLE! Eleanor agrees with Asha and I just watch them talking about holidays and how much fun they’re going to have.

{Danielle’s POV}

Bloody dogs.“Shh baby,” I tell Zuri as she cries hysterically. Loki decided to snatch up Zuri’s bunny, the one Louis bought her that she named Wilfred, and now Loki has run off downstairs with him and Simba’s helping.

“Wilfred!” My two and a half year old cries. Liam walks into Zuri’s room, obviously hearing the crying and asks what’s happening. I explain whilst Zuri continues to cry and Liam walks out of the room again.

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