Chapter Twenty- Seven: Sam

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{Jade's POV}

Have you ever had that feeling where you feel like you're doing something wrong but you also feel like you need to do it, for everything to be okay? Maybe not- but I am.

I sit in the café with my mug of tea in my hands, waiting for Sam to arrive so we can talk. I chose a table at the back of the café so the paps don't find me talking to my ex- boyfriend.

Perrie and Ellie are at a table a few metres away 'having lunch'.

I see a SnapBack from across the café and then Sam's face appears. He walks over and smiles at me before taking the seat opposite me.

"Hey Sam." I smile.

"Hello Jade." He smiles back. "Do you want another drink?" He asks and I nod my head, asking for a coffee this time and Sam grabs the drinks. I look at Perrie and she just smiles, making me smile back.

When Sam returns I thank him and then just look at him.

"Look Jade, I'm just going to get straight to it. I'm sorry." Sam apologises and I look at him. "I was an absolute ass and I'm so sorry for cheating on you three years ago. I feel like such a dick for doing it and for taking this long to apologise. For embarrassing you in front of all those people and I'm really happy for you and Harry, you make a perfect couple and he treats you like a princess, what you deserve." Sam says.

I know there's not really an excuse for cheating, but I can accept that apology. I did date Sam and I understand that what he has just said, is the genuine Sam.

"Thank you Sam," I lean over the table and hug him. "So how are things with you?" I ask and he chuckles before we get into deep conversation.

We chat about Diversity, One Direction, Little Mix, dancing, football, pencils, family and other stuff. We have lunch and then I work up the courage to ask Sam,

"Do you have a relationship?"

Sam looks down and then back up at me before smiling and nodding.

"In the past few years, I've done a lot of thinking and I do have a partners you know this person too." Sam smiles.

"Ooh! Who is it?" I ask excitedly. I wonder if she's pretty and if I know her well?

"Marcus Collins."

Marcus. I cough a little and look at him in shock. Sam is gay?

"Yes Jade. Marcus, the gay hairdresser, the one you beat on X- Factor," Sam says. "I was straight when I was with you but then I kind of realised I'm actually gay." Sam admits and I smile at him.

"That's great Sam!" I exclaim and he gives me a confused look. "Well done on admitting that! You're amazing you know that! I'm proud of you Sam!" I hug him again and he thanks me.

I'm actually genuinely happy for Sam! I'm proud of him and excited that he's moved on and he's happy.... ESPECIALLY WITH MARCUS!!!

I look across to Perrie and Ellie's table and Ellie is laughing at Perrie with breadsticks hanging out of her mouth like fangs. I laugh and Sam looks behind him at Perrie before laughing.

"She's still Perrie isn't she." Sam chuckles and I nod. "Whose the little girl?" He asks and I realise unless he stalks us, he wouldn't know.

"Ellie. She's Perrie and Zayn's two year old. She came in October the year you left." I explain and Sam nods. "There gonna have twins in July too." I add and Sam smiles.

"I heard they had a kid I just didn't know how old." Sam says and we chat for a bit longer. By the time we say goodbye it's five in the afternoon, what a great day!


Hey guys! Thanks for voting and commenting like always! Means a lot!!!! Sorry the chapter is short but they'll get better soon!

Lotta :)~

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