Chapter Twenty- Five: Love Letters

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{Jesy's POV}

Easter Sunday. I'm so excited this morning! Jordan made a trail of mini Easter Eggs from our bedroom to the lounge room where he was sitting with a basket of eggs for us. Now we're heading to Perrie's for lunch. It'll just be Perrie, Ellie, Jade, Leigh- Anne, Ella, Asha, Eleanor, Danielle, Zuri, Gemma, Evie and myself.

Jordan is only dropping me off and then going to join Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Jonnie, Jordan and Luca at Harry's house. Boys at Harry's girls at Perrie's.

Jordan drops me off and I head up the drive with my eggs for everyone. When I enter the house I head straight to the lounge room where they all are and I burst into laughter at Eleanor dressed up in pink bunny onesie. She even has her makeup done with whiskers.

"Oh Eleanor! You're delightful today!" I exclaim and the others all laugh with me, even El. We all exchange eggs and then have our lunch- roast meal- before sitting around and chatting about different things whilst Asha, Zuri, Evie and Ellie play upstairs.

"Thank goodness Taylor left. I think she's okay but bloody hell she got on my nerves!" Jade exclaims. I laugh with the others as I hug Perrie on the couch. Taylor left on the twenty- third of March and it's now the fourth of April- so I don't know why Jade has brought that up now?

"I need to pee." Perrie says and gets off me walking away. I just laugh at one of her new, let's say a hobby, and stand up myself.

"Look I've had a great day. Thank you to you all, see you lovely ladies and pink bunny later!" I smile and hug them all, Eleanor pouting whilst I hug her.

I take my stuff and head off to the door. "Bye Pezz! Thanks!" I yell to wherever she is.

"Bye!" I hear her yell back and then I head out the door and walk towards my home. Jordan dropping me off probably wasn't an excellent idea....

As I'm walking along I see Zayn coming down the road and he pulls over, winding down the window near me.

"Ello!" I smile and he motions for me to get in. "No, I can walk thanks." I reply and Zayn chuckles.

"Get in the car Jes." He says and I hop into the passenger seat of his car as we drive back to my home. I notice there's a letter in the mailbox as Zayn pulls up and I thank him before jumping out and grabbing the letter.

It's addressed to me in handwriting and the letter seems quite nice. I wonder who would do this though?

Once I'm inside I open the letter and it's a sheet of folded white paper. I go to the top line and start to read it.

Dear Jesy,

I know it's been a long time and you're probably a lot happier now, but I just wanted to say when I've seen you at events I haven't had the guts to come over because I know my brain will make me say something stupid and then you'll think I'm stupid and all that sort of shit.
I kind of just hope we could make things work again...

Love Jake Roche
OH HELL NO NO NO NO NO NO! I'm married Jakey Boy! I've been married for two years soon and I'm not getting back with you brother! I left you because of the reasons that I don't want to state and then I got back with Jordan and I'm very happy now! You're not taking that from me thanks love.

I quickly place the paper back into the envelope and hide it in the draw in the coffee table just as Jordan comes into the house.

"Hey Babe! Did you have a good day?" He asks coming over. I nod in response. The start was good but suddenly things have got a little confusing and a little bumpy.

"Yep." I reply and sit down on the couch unsure of what to do. Part one though, don't tell Jordan.


Okay... I've had seven letters since the first one and it's only been five days. The last one Jake left had his mobile number and that he'd like to catch up and chat. I'm thinking about just going to see him so we can settle things.

I walk into the lounge room and Jordan is sitting on the couch. I almost have an heart attack when I see him looking at the letters. He gets up and takes them to the bench, placing them down and then turning to me.

"Trying to win you back is he?" Jordan asks. "Jake does realise you're married now, right?" Jordan asks and I shrug. "You're my wife so I trust you're not replying to him." Jordan says and I nod my head.

"I'm not." I reply and Jordan pecks my cheek and then heads off out to his car. He has dance practice now so I pick up the final letter and open my phone, putting the number Jake left into a new message and then going to the message section.

Tomorrow, eleven o'clock at the park near my home.

I send the message and within in moments I get a reply.

See you then xx

Kisses. What the f**k Jake? I just hope he hasn't got the wrong idea.

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