Chapter Fifty- Eight: Kicking

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{Zayn's POV}

I tie up the laces on my shoes and then head out of our bedroom, across the landing and downstairs. Everyone else is asleep upstairs but I need to go and check the house across the road to make sure everything is okay for when we show Gemma and Jonnie the home today. 

I dodge all the children's toys scattered everywhere and then head down our drive, out of our property, across the road and then I stop on the footpath in front of the house. Last night once everyone was in bed, we got the shipping containers blocking the property removed, so now you can see a new built home and perfectly landscaped property. 

It was hard work, this house. But we've done it. 

I look at the one storey home, with a double garage, the front door and big glass windows on display at the front. (Picture on side. Ignore the landscaping). Leading up to the double front doors are a line of trees along the sides of a footpath. There is fresh grass around the outsides and some other trees and plants in the right places. There's also a nice little driveway with some extra parking space. 

I head up the footpath and unlock the doors, heading inside. I close the glass door behind me and walk off to my left first, into the open- plan living area. 

The lounge room area has three couches, a rug, coffee table, art and a wall mounted television. The theme colours are white and a light, khaki coloured brown. We have lined the floors with chocolate coloured wooden floorboards and there are hanging white lights from the high ceilings. 

In the middle of the space is a big oak dining table with seven chairs and a plastic high chair for Kayla. The table has a fruit bowl in the middle of it, that Leigh- Anne fixed up yesterday. Leigh went out and bought all of the kitchen needs like cookery gear and food for us. Helped majorly. 

I venture into the kitchen. It is all modern and light and airy. The cupboards are all filled with pots, pans, bowls, cups, baby plastic, machines and most importantly, food. There's fresh running water in the taps and gas is attatched to the stove. 

I head back out the French doors that lead into the living area and into the bathroom. There are ash grey tiles on the walls and black ones on the floor. A nice bath with those slip proof things on the bottom, a heap of nice linen in a shelf, basin, cabinets and a shower, along with the toilet and a mirror. 

I then venture next door to the laundry that is all equipped with the washing machine, dryer and another sink, along with an ironing board and some coat haning space, and a door to outside. 

I head back out into the hallway and look down the long hall that we built. Off to the left there are no longer any rooms, just big glass windows with a sliding door in the middle, leading out to the patio, but on the left there are five more rooms. 

The first is a small study with a desk, storage space, computer, printer and a new, modern filing cabinet, but with the same files as before inside it. The following room is a spare bedroom with a double bed, inbuilt wadrobe, rug, big window and all that shit. It will make a bedroom for one of the twins when they're older I reckon. 

The next room is Gemma and Jonnie's. It has a big king sized bed and the room is a dark grey colour with the same flooring as the rest of the house, a big window with white venetian blinds, a walk in wardrobe, an ensuite and some photos around the room of the children, all artistically edited by Jordan Kiffin. Turns out he's quite good with photography. 

The following room is one of my favourites. It's Evie and Luca's room. It now has two children's beds, little nightstands, a built in wardrobe, a fluffy bright red rug on the floor, a chest of draws, a little table for them to draw at, a whole heap of toys and other things, some new clothes Leigh- Anne bought and then there's the theme. 

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