Chapter Thirty- Five: Malik Twins

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{Perrie's POV}

I just want him to be here. Not to miss this moment in our lives. After the past month of fighting and making up and walking out and coming home and all that shit, I just want him here, is that too much to ask?

"Okay Perrie, sorry darling but next contraction you'll have to-" Dr. Erica gets cut off but pounding on the door. A nurse opens the door and Zayn practically trips through the door. PRAISE THE LORD! Thank you God!

"Took your time Malik!" Jesy yells and Zayn pants coming over. Zayn hugs Jesy and then she gives me a kiss before walking off out the door. Zayn bends down beside me and holds onto my hand, automatically flinching when I squeeze it from the pain.

"Where the heck were you?" I ask, tears streaming down my face. "Let me guess? The studio?" I ask in tears, mainly from the pain but also because he was there not here.

"With the lads too!" He defends. "And the receptionist found my phone in the waiting room. I must've dropped it. I'm so sorry." Zayn apologises and I feel the next contraction coming.

"Okay Perrie, this time!" Dr. Erica smiles and I nod before looking at Zayn.

"As much as I hate you," I mumble. "I love you." I whisper and he gives me his wonky smile in return.

"Love you to Boo." He replies just as the contraction arrives and I groan in pain, pushing as fucking hard as I can. Dr. Erica keeps encourgaing me and Zayn holds my hand, just being silent as I scream in pain.

"One more push Perrie!" Dr. Erica instructs and I push with all my fucking might to get this bloody baby out. I finishing pushing when we hear a screech. I feel my heart burn with immediate energy from that noise. It's alive! The first one is alive!

Zayn presses a kiss to my temple. "One more." He whispers and I nod, waiting for the next contraction as I watch them checking the baby. What's the gender would be a nice thing to know... but I guess they're waiting for baby number two.

"Okay Perrie, once more." Dr. Erica smiles and I feel the most painful thing I've felt in my life right now. HOLY MOTHER OF DOGS THIS IS NOT NORMAL! I groan, almost roar from the pain and in one, huge, straning push I feel relief immediately and another screech. Oh my goodness... the relief and joy!

"Another what seems to be healthy baby!" Dr. Erica smiles and takes the baby over to the other one so they can check them both and give them a quick wipe down.

I turn to Zayn, still panting like crazy and he just moves hair out of my face. I look down into his deep brown eyes and he gives me a smile. I smile back and in this moment it feels like we're infinite. we hear Dr. Erica coming over.

"Well done again!" Dr. Erica beams and I smile back. "Here's your beautiful and healthy baby girls." Dr. Erica smiles and places one into Zayn's arms and one into mine. Girls. Two tiny little baby girls.

I look down at the baby in my hands and my heart melts away. Nothing in the world is more amazing than the feeling of knowing that the child in front of you is your child. Half you, half the person you've loved forever.

I turn to Zayn who has tears streaming down his face, much alike me. He looks up from the tiny brown hair, dark skinned, practically Ellie look alike baby, who looks exactly like the one in my hands, except, the baby in my hands has lighter hair.

"Three daughters." Zayn smiles and me and I nod my head. I feel his lips touch mine and I kiss him back without hesitation. We're the luckiest people in the world it feels like right now. We have three beautiful daughters and I'm beyond stoked.

I notice the nurses have cleaned up down my end so I thank them and then look down at my baby who starts to stir and make funny breathing noises like all babies. Then she opens her eyes. Big, chocolate brown eyes.

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