Chapter Twenty- Nine: Home

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{Zayn's POV}

I lock the door behind me and just leave my suitcase in the entry hall, kick off my shoes, place down my keys and phone and then head up the big wooden staircase of my home.

When I get to the top I head towards Ellie's bedroom and go in the open door, quietly stepping towards the cot through the night light lit room. I need to buy her a bed and purchase another cot sometime very soon.

I look down into the cot and Ellie is sound asleep, Duckie secure under her arm and her red blanket half covering her in the little onesie she's wearing. I smile and place a gentle kiss on her forehead, move some curls out of her face and then head out of her room and towards Perrie and my room.

I step into the doorframe and Perrie is sitting cross legged on the bed, reading some children's picture book, her hair pulled up into a short but cute high- ponytail, sweatpants on and one of my hoodies covering her bump... the bump that's worrying me.

Sure she's grown but she looks about seven months pregnant with one baby, not eight months with two.

I just stand in the door, watching as her blue eyes dart across the pages as she reads, turning the sheets of coloured paper in the hardback book carefully as she continues to read. I watch her finish the book, closing the regtangle and then looking up, jumping a little.

"How long have you been there?" She asks giggling. I chuckle, shrug and walk over, climbing across the bed to my gorgeous wife. "Hello." She smiles as our faces are millimetres apart.

"Hi." I respond and place my lips against her's as I hold myself up on my forearms and knees. I sit back with my bum against my heels and shuffle forward so I can hold her face in my hands.

When we break apart I smile at how beautiful she is even without makeup and she just giggles. "Welcome home Zayn!" She quietly cheers and I chuckle before looking down at her stomach.

I place my hand on the bottom of her bump and then look back up into Perrie's blue eyes. "Is everything okay?" I ask. "Dani told me the basics but how is it being you at the moment?" I ask her.

"It's good! Apart from the fact Jesy is thirty tomorrow." Perrie sighs and I almost explode in shock. Holy mother of dogs I so forgot about that! Freaking hell.... that means Louis is thirty in December... weird.

"She having a party?" I ask Perrie and she nods, handing over an invite. I look at the part invitation as Perrie's mobile starts ringing. She grabs the phone and places it to her ear. I leave the invite and just watch her on the phone.

"Hey Jonnie," she smiles into the phone. "Yeah he is. One sec." Perrie replies and places the phone on her knee, turning the phone to speaker and motioning for me to say hello.

"Hey Jon!" I say cheerfully. Jonnie and Gemma both greet me back.

"Is Harry there?" Jonnie asks.

"Why the heck would Harry be here at ten at night?" Perrie replies to her brother and I chuckle whilst I hear Jonnie sigh. You'd never know with Harry to be honest.

I grab my phone out and call Harry, putting him on speaker and explaining what we're doing.

"Okay! What Gemma and Jonnie?" Harry's voice asks. This is the weirdest phone call I've ever witnessed.

"So, we'd just like to tell the three of you that we're having another baby!" Jonnie says excitedly and Perrie lets out a squeal whilst Harry and I cheer. Wait... Harry was the squealing one and I was cheering with Perrie.

"That's so great guys!" Perrie says obviously thrilled. "When are you due Gem?" She asks.

"December the fourth." Gemma replies. We all chat for a little while longer and then decide we should hand up and go to bed. Perrie puts her phone away and I change into my shorts, no shirt and hop in behind her, snuggling up to the love of my life.

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