Chapter Seventeen: Tear Stains

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{Perrie's POV}

"Zayn stop!" I yell as he throws the papers across the room along with another banana. I watch the banana smash against the wall and smash into a pile of mush on the floor.

"Stop? What the f**k do you mean?" Zayn roars back in anger. I don't know why the DNA test said he's not Ellie's father because he is Ellie's father. I've never slept with any other guy! Zayn was my first and since then he's the only guy I've ever f**ked.

"She's your daughter!" I yell at him and he walks right over to me in anger, breathing heavily and his eyes full of anger.

"Then why the heck does the test say she's not?" Zayn asks harshly. "Did you cheat on me?" He asks and there it is. That's the second time he's questioned my faithfulness to him and I'm not happy!

"They got the tests wrong! She's your daughter Zayn!" I screech. "I most certainly didn't sleep with another man! I'm not you!" I yell and immediately regret what I said.

Zayn steps back and let's out a huff. "You know I've never cheated on you Perrie. Don't you dare say that! Stop being a b**ch!" Zayn exclaims. Well that's just lovely.

"And I never cheated on you!" I yell back.

"Well that's not what the DNA test says. They don't get those things wrong!" He exclaims. Everyone gets things wrong, no one is perfect, apart from Zayn apparently.

"You're being an asshole Zayn! She's your daughter it's so f**king obviousness because she's a spitting image of you!" I roar and Zayn steps back before pulling at the hair on his head.

"Mumma, Dadda why are you yelling?" Ellie is standing at the bottom of the stairs holding onto the railing, fear in her eyes.

"Ask your mother, I'm obviously not your father!" Zayn yells at Ellie and she steps back up one step shivering. That's the first time he's ever yelled at her in pure anger. I know she needs to be reliant but not over this f**king reason can he yell at her. "JUST GO AWAY!" Zayn yells at Ellie.

"ZAYN!" I exclaim and Ellie scurries up the stairs as fast as she can. "Get out!" I yell and point at the door behind me. "Yell at me but not at your daughter!" I scream and he grabs his phone and coat before coming back over to me.

"Collect the right information Perrie, she's apparently not mine and I'm questioning whether the twins are too." Zayn growls and then leaves the house. He didn't just say that. We did not seriously just have that conversation.

I kick one of Ellie's toys and then immediately regret the decision to kick the xylophone because now my second toe is bleeding.

I ignore it and head up the wooden staircase to Ellie's room. When I get there I can't see her at first but then hear quiet sobs from behind the rocking chair. I squat down and look under the rocking chair to see Ellie sitting there, Duckie under her right arm, Emma the Elephant, the one Harry bought her in India years ago is in her left hand along with her red knitted blanket and she's curled up in a ball.

I crawl over on my hands and knees to the rocking chair and pull it out of the way, heading over and sit cross legged whilst leaning up against the wall next to Ellie.
Without a word she crawls into my lap and rests her head on my four month bump whilst continuing to let small sobs out of her mouth as she clutches her toys and blanket tightly.

I just rub her curly brown hair and sing Fireproof to her. Ever since Zayn sung it to her when she was a baby, it's the only thing that calms her down when she's upset. Just the chorus does it, sometimes we have to sing it a couple of times but it works.

I've gathered the amount of times I have it sing it signifies how bad the thing is. Normally she only gets to five re- runs at the most. Today she stops after seven and her sobs die down to sniffles.

She loves Zayn so much, sometimes I get a tiny bit jealous to be honest but I know that when she wants to be hugged she comes right to me. Ellie does different things with different people.

It must've really hurt her to hear us yelling at each other and then to hear him snap at her, telling her to go away and to tell her he isn't her father. I'm not sure if she understood what he said but I really hope she didn't.

"Are you okay Baba?" I ask her and she nods her head before sitting upright and looking at me, her eyelashes stained with water droplets, making them look even more beautiful.

"Is Dadda not my Dadda?" Ellie sniffles and I freeze. Oh no. Two year olds aren't supposed to think like that!

"Of course he's your Dadda Ellie. He's just, mentally confused at the moment." I tell Ellie and she nods before rubbing her eyes. I just going to call him mentally confused because he's being an asshole.

"Are you and Dadda going to break up?" Ellie asks me and I feel something stab right through the middle of my heart. If he won't listen to me, then we might not be on good terms and then... f**k.

I feel Ellie's small hands wipe my cheeks and I realise I've been crying. I kiss Ellie and then stand up with her in my arms. "Let's go to Uncle Nini's." I say and we head out the door and head next door to Niall, Ella and Asha's.

When we get there I place Ellie down and she heads off with Asha whilst I sit down with Ella and explain everything to her.

"What the heck is with men?!" Ella exclaims and I shake my head. "Do you want me to look into the DNA tests?" Ella asks me. I was really hoping she'd ask that.

"Would you? Will you get sacked though?" I ask.

"Nope. I have my ways and of course I will!" Ella smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. "It'll be fine Per." She kisses my cheek and I nod my head, praying she's right.

Quote: "I'm not arguing! I'm simply explaining why I'm right!"

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