Chapter Ten: Right

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{Niall's POV}

"C'mon Ash!" I yell from the front door. Asha comes running along in her above the knee length pale blue school dress, navy cardigan, giant blazer that hangs around her mid- thigh, little black school shoes with the folded over once white socks, her brown curls in a ponytail with a white ribbon and her boater hat.

"School!" She cheers and I chuckle, taking her out and strapping her into her booster seat in my car. Asha's going back to school today after the Christmas holidays.

We drive to school, listening to the BBC Kids soundtrack, Asha singing or screaming along whilst I try not to laugh at her. We arrive at the school after twenty minutes and I get Asha out of the car, taking her hand and locking the car behind us.

We get into the classroom and those few parents still give me looks, but I don't give a shit, and I help Asha take off her blazer and hat, putting the blazer onto her hook above her art smock and putting her hat into the hat slot of her pigeon hole.

"Daddy, where's my bag?" Asha asks me. Shit! I left her bag in the boot of the car.

"I'll be right back." I reply, sprinting off to grab her school bag. When I return, Asha is stil standing there, waiting patiently for me. If I'd said that to Ellie she'd be off and running in nothing more than her shoes and undies.

"You got it Daddy!" Asha cheers and I nod my head, helping her get out the things she needs for school and then she puts her bag into the bag slot of her pigeon hole.

I take her over to the mat and do drawings with her, then leave her to play with her best friend Hollie so I can go and help set up the chair circle for the parents. They do this the first day back of every term- the parents stay and do the admin with the kids.

As for Hollie's Asha and Hollie's always play together, they've been having play dates and going to parties together, they're always talking about each other and Holllie's Dad, Ben, brings her to school everyday too because his wife is a nurse and does shift work.

Once the chairs are set up, the bell rings and I sit down next to Ben, Asha in front of me. The teacher, Mr. Jameson, talks about all this stuff and then he does the roll call.

"Hollie Gregory?" He calls.

"Yes." She replies sweetly.

"Asha Horan?" Mr. Jameson calls out.

"Yes." Asha smiles at her teacher. I like hearing Asha's name as Asha Horan. Yes, Asha Oscar was cute, but I much prefer Asha Horan and Ella Horan, because they're now legally and without a doubt my special girls. My family.

{Eleanor's POV}

"Louis, I think we're lost." I say to Mr. I can read a map. "We've been going around in circles for the past half an hour." I mention.

Louis thought it would be a great idea to do some married couple bonding, by going into the forest for a walk. Thing is, Louis thinks he can read a map, but he cannot- obviously.

"No, no, no! We're going the right way!" Louis replies, shaking me off with his hand. I roll my eyes and continue to follow Bear Grylls or whoever he thinks he is.

I don't know why men have such big egos. It's okay to not know something or for your wife- who wont judge you- to get you out of the forest on the outskirts of London because she can read a map and used to play in this forest as a child.

All I need is the compass, which Louis has, to figure out which way we're facing and then it'll be easy to get out of here.

"Lou, can I borrow the compass?" I ask. He nods and hands it back to me. I line it up and see where it's pointing North. Right! I know where we are now.

I walk over to Louis whose mumbling things about how to get out and I grab his sleeve. "Come on Bear Idiot, this way." I tell him, dragging him towards the car park.


"Urgh!" I groan as Perrie laughs. After making it back to the car, with my directions, we came to Perrie and Zayn's. The boys and Ellie went to get Asha from school.

"Don't worry, all men are like it. Zayn has the tendency to think he's always right when we know that they're just speaking a whole load of crap." Perrie says standing up and taking the tea cups to the dishwasher.

"It just makes me want to strangle him!" I exclaim. I never would want anything against Louis but just a small strangle, not a deadly one, every now and then wouldn't be too bad. Perrie laughs and I sit down at the bench, Perrie standing opposite me.

I look at her tee that is hugging her baby bump. "And I'd hate to think what he'd be like when I'm in labour." I shiver. He'd probably be trying to tell me what to do and all that stuff.

"Trust me El, they know whose boss in that stage," Perrie smiles and I laugh a little. "You're actually in so much pain you scare them and squeeze the life out of them, scream at them. I actually told Zayn I hate him," Perrie tells me.

I can imagine that actually, so good.

{Louis' POV}

"I knew where to go, Eleanor just had to, um, help." I tell Zayn and he releases a chuckle.

"Sure sure that's what happened." Zayn shakes his head. Yeah whatever Mr. Perfect...

"Auntie Eleanor was right." Ellie's squeaky voice pipes up. I jog a but further up the footpath and look into the pram at Ellie who is giggling. She shrugs and holds out her hands to protest. "She was. The girls are normally right." She states.

Bloody heck she hangs around with too many opinionated people. How many two year olds speak like that? Seriously?

"Excuse me El?" Zayn stops pushing the pram and we both stand in front of the pram as she sits there, Duckie in the pram with her and a little smirk plastered on her face.

"Nu- tring." Ellie giggles.

I look at Zayn and we both exchange looks of shock and suspicion of where Ellie got this information from.

"Who told you that?" Zayn asks Ellie. She draws a zip over her lips and Zayn rolls his eyes, walking back around to the back of the pram and pushing it forwards again. I join Zayn and we walk into the school grounds to pick up Asha.

"You're gonna need a bigger pram." I mention to Zayn, nodding at the one child pram they've had for Ellie since she was born. All they had to do was flip it around, turn the seat into a stroller seat and Bob's your Uncle! She's so tiny.

"Need a bigger pram, another capsule, another cot, a bed for Ellie, paint another room, another high chair, two more arms." Zayn says, joking on the last bit. I laugh too and the school bell rings.

Suddenly heaps of kids start flooding out of the buildings.

"Dadda can I get out?" Ellie asks, knocking her head back. Zayn nods and unbuckles her, setting her onto the concrete.

I soon see Asha appear with a group of other kids. Socialite like her Dad- well, un biological Dad at least.

"Ashi! Ashi!" Ellie squeals, waddle running towards Asha. Ellie always says, 'I have four co- noso- nins. Luca, Evie, Zuri and Asha'. Very adorable in my opinion.

"Ellie!" Asha yells and Zayn and I chuckle as they charge at each other. When Asha reaches Ellie she picks her up under her arms, almost dropping her and swings Ellie around. Ellie's going to break.

"Asha!" Zayn yells running over and rescuing his infant from Asha. I laugh and Asha skips over to me. I take her boater and bag and Zayn makes his way back over, Ellie on his hip.

"Hi Uncle Louis!" Asha reaches her arms out and I pick her up, seating her on the hood of the pram. Zayn straps Ellie back in and then pushes the pram, Ellie in it and Asha on top of it.

As we walk along the street, Zayn and I get looks from people. I have a feeling they might think we're together. Zouis it is then.

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."

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