Chapter 5 (Todoroki's P.O.V.)

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I stood under the blossom tree, a blush spreading on my cheeks. I hurried back inside to my dorm room. I close the door behind me as I sit down on my futon. 'I have a boyfriend!' I said in my head, as I lay down onto my bed. When I hit my pillow, I fall asleep immediately.

The next morning, I wake up happier than usual. I get up and do my normal routine and then walk out of my dorm room to go to class. I walked to my seat earlier to class than yesterday. The rest of the class entered and started to chat with their friends until class started. I got out of my seat when I spotted Momo walking into class. We both met each other halfway, starting up a conversation.

"Did you tell him?" She asked excitedly. I looked at her and blushed.

"Y-Yeah. Kaminari helped me out yesterday," I responded.

"Really!? What did he say in return!?" She asked as her excitement

kept growing.

"At first he thought I was pranking him, and he didn't believe me, but then he asked for proof a-and..." I stopped for a moment to recollect my thoughts of embarrassment. "A-And I k-kissed him," I finished blushing madly. Momo looked ecstatic after I said that. She looked so happy that I thought she was going to jump on me into a hug until we heard the classroom door slam open. Curious, we both looked over to see who it might be. It was Bakugou with his normal scowl on his face. He walked in ignoring everyone's stares and starts to make his way to his seat. I stare at him in awe, until we both make eye contact. I then see him smirk and wink at me before he passes us and sits in his seat. 'D-D-Did he just wink at me?' I ask in my head, as I duck my head trying to hide the blush on my face. Momo's smile grew, as she was almost jumping up and down. I slowly edged my head after I felt the blush on my cheeks go away slightly but it was still there.

"I can't believe he just winked at you!" Momo whispered-yelled to me. I simply nod to her comment still trying to control my blush.

"What else happened yesterday?" Momo asked in her normal voice but there was curiousness in her eyes.

"A-After I k-kissed h-him, he uhh...brought me in a hug. And now we're boyfriends," I stuttered slightly. When I said Boyfriend's Momo almost screamed, but I muffled her scream with my hand.

"Momo were in class!" I said just above a whisper, Momo nodded and moved my hand. She jumped up excitedly which ended in a hug.

"I'm soooooo happy for you Todo!" Momo said into my ear.

"Are you all done with your chatter party?" Aizawa said above the crowd of talking students. I let go of Momo as I headed to my seat, as class started.

When school ended I went to my dorm room and then started to look through my clothes, 'What am I gonna wear?' I asked myself. 'Uhhhh, I'll just wear my turtleneck' I thought. I changed into a black turtleneck with blue-gray jeans. I quickly rush out of my dorm room to the outside of school. At first, I didn't see anyone there and I thought that I probably took too long and he already left, until I saw an ash blond boy leaning against the wall, looking at his phone. 'Wow, since when did he get so hot wearing that? But it's so simple. It's just his normal black tank top and sweatpants. Yet, why... Why does he look so nice?' I thought in my head as I stared at him, not noticing that he caught me staring and is now walking towards me.

"Are you finished staring at me and ready to go or not?" He asked me, snapping me out of my trance.

"Uh, y-yeah sorry," I say as I look away embarrassed.

"Yeah, whatever, let's just go already," he says as he all of a sudden takes my hand and starts leading me in the direction of the mall. I was surprised at first until I gave in and smiled a little, as I wrapped my fingers around his.

When we got to the mall, it was a lot busier than I thought it would be on a school night. I kinda felt uncomfortable, not wanting to get separated from Bakugou. I guess Bakugou felt my uncomfortableness and started to drag me to a less crowded place. Once we got to the least crowded place, he stopped dragging me and we both started to walk at our own pace.

"You didn't have to do that Bakugou, I would've been ok around them," I said trying to reason.

"Like hell you would. I look down one time and you're uncomfortable, which by the way is one of the only times I see your dumb face make any emotion. Plus I don't want to make our first date uncomfortable for you," he basically yells. After he said that he realizes what he just said and quickly looks away, letting go of my hand, and blushes. "A-Anyways we should keep going before the rest of the day is gone," he continues as he starts to quickly walk away. I look down at my hand, kinda missing the warmth of his, but quickly look up and run over to him to catch up.

The first stop we made was at small shops to see what each other liked and bought. Next it was getting close to dinner, so Bakugou bought both of us dinner at the food center.

"It's not the best food, but it's better than nothing, so hurry and eat," Bakugou said, breaking apart his chopsticks to eat his spicy ramen. I nodded and started to eat as well. Not too long after we started eating Bakugou called my nickname which brought me to his attention. Before I could answer or say anything, Bakugou was reaching over the table, wiping some food off my face, and then eating it.

"You had food on your face," he says with a grin as he sat back down in his seat. All I did was blush at his action and respond with a little "thank you". He chuckled, making me blush deeper. 'I never heard him laugh or chuckle before... it's... nice,' I thought in my head and smiled as I watched him eat the rest of his food.

After dinner, we both got back to shopping, until it was dark outside and we had to start heading back to the school. By this time, both of us were a bit more comfortable with each other, so we held hands and chatted with each other all the way back to school.

When we both entered the dorm building everyone was asleep except for Tokoyami, Kaminari, and Kirishima.

"Hey Bakubro and Todobro!" Kirishima said from his conversation with Tokoyami and Kaminari. I looked over to him and smiled softly.

"Hey Kirishima, How's your afternoon been?" I responded. Kirishima smiled,

"Good. We were gonna play Truth or dare, Do you want to join us?" Kirishima asked me. I looked at Bakugou to see if he wanted any part in the conversation. He just looked annoyed, but he kept holding my hand through it all.

"Bakugou? Want to play with them for a bit before we split ways?" I asked him quietly so the others couldn't hear. He just made a 'tch' noise before responding with an annoyed "fine".

"We would love to join your game of truth or dare," I responded to Kirishima's question. Kirishima smiled as he made space for Bakugou and I. I led Bakugou gently to the couch. As the game of truth or dare started.

"Okay, I'll go first," Kaminari said from the silence.

"Truth or Dare Bakugou!" Kaminari continued.

"I'm not a wuss, Dare," Bakugou answered.

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