Chapter 27( Shoto's P.O.V.)

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I laughed, as I saw Katsuki, Kirishima and Kaminari on the floor. It was really funny seeing them try and get Kaminari off Katsuki's back but end up on the floor. And the way they did it, I couldn't help but laugh. I walked up to Katsuki, but I got the other two off him before I helped him up.

"There you go," I say, trying not to make myself laugh even more. He suddenly hugged me.

"Your laugh is beautiful.." He said in my ear and then let me go. I blushed as he walked around with his friends.

"So, Were doing a get together in 2 weeks with all the Class 1-A friends, We would love it if you two come," Kaminari said,

"Sure Kaminari. We'd love too," I said, as I grabbed Katsuki's hand and intertwined my fingers with his. Kaminari smiled and said his goodbyes, along with Kirishima. Katsuki and I led them out.

'I wonder where the get together is gonna be?' I said to myself, I looked up at Katsuki who was pouting a bit with his normal scowl.

"Baby?" I ask, looking up at his ruby red eyes.

"Yeah my love?"He responds looking down at me. I smiled and kissed his forehead as I skipped into the kitchen.

"I'm going to make you some lunch," I said with a smile. As I opened the cabinet door and forgot that there's nothing to cook. And once that I noticed Katsuki was stifling a laugh. I smile softly as I watch Katsuki's smile turn into a laugh.

"I'm going to go get some late dinner. Do you want to come?"I ask, turning to him.

"Yeah, sure," He responded. I smile and walk to the car with my keys in my right hand and Katsuki's other hand in my left. Once we were in the drive through, we ordered some grilled chicken sandwiches. When I got my sandwich, I ate it in a couple minutes.

"You okay, love?" Katsuki asked, as He look a bite of his sandwich.

"Yup, I was just hungry," I said, Katsuki looked at me confused but just ate his sandwich. I started the car back up as I drove for a while till it was dark.

When we got to our apartment, I didn't feel well. But I ignored it since it might've just been how fast I ate that sandwich. Katsuki hugged me behind me, I smiled and turned my head to look at him.

"You alright?" Katsuki asked, picking me up and setting me on the counter.

"Yeah, my stomach is just grumpy at me for eating that sandwich too fast," I said, putting my forehead against his.

"If your stomach isn't well in a couple days. I'm going to take you to the doctor. Mkay?"He said.

"Alright," I responded as I kissed his forehead.

It's been 3 days later and every morning I've been throwing up. Katsuki is very worried for me. When I woke up, I snuggled against Katsuki. His broad shoulders blocking the sunrise from my view. I caress his cheek gently, I soon felt queasy. I closed my eyes trying to get the queasiness away but that just made it worse, I soon felt like I was going to throw up. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet. I heard Katsuki's footsteps walk into the bathroom.

"You alright, baby?" He asked. I looked up at him and shook my head. Katsuki frowned and walked over to me bringing me into a hug. I felt his hand gently rub my back, I hid my face until I felt the same sensation as before. I put my head above the toilet bowl, I heaved for a bit after throwing up some more. I groaned, as I hugged Katsuki again.

"Do you want to lay down for a bit?" Katsuki asked, rubbing his hand over my back. I shook my head.

"C-can we just stay here for a bit?" I responded with a question. He nodded as he changed his position to be more comfortable. We hugged each other for a bit until I felt a bit better.

"Do you think you're sick?" Katsuki said looking down at me.

"I don't know...but I feel a bit better now," I said, with a small smile. Katsuki kissed my forehead and helped me up to lay on the futon.

"I'm going to call the doctor,"Katsuki said. I looked at him, and raised my eyebrow.

"Suki. I'm fine. It's probably because my stomach didn't like the food that i ate yesterday." I said, criss crossing my legs. Katsuki crossed his arms and picked me up and sat me on his lap. I turned myself around on his lap so I could see his face, I kissed him lightly on the lips before breaking away. I felt Katsuki's hand snake up my shirt and rub my chest. I hum, as I blush. He broke away, looking me in my eyes. I blushed, as I placed my head on top of his chest.

"I'm still gonna call the doctor, You've been like this for 3 fucking days. I'm worried," Katsuki said.

"Finnne, Whatever," I said as I hid my face. Katsuki looked down at me surprised.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I responded confused. Katsuki looked at me and then shrugged.

"I don't know. I might be hearing things,"He said. I looked up at him

"Tell me," I said. Looking straight at him in the eyes.

"Thought you talked back to me with some of my sassiness," Katsuki resplied. I nodded and then stood up off the futon.

"Why don't we-" I started but then felt sick to the stomach. I rushed toward the toilet and threw up some more. Katsuki looked at me, his eyes filled with worry.

"I'm taking you to the doctor's office right now." He said picking me up and carrying me to the car. Once in the car, I put my seatbelt on and we drove to the doctor's office. I watched the cars drive past as we pulled into the doctor's office, We parked in an empty spot near the front.

"Suki. I'm fine." I said, Katsuki looked at me sternly.

"You've been throwing up for 3 mornings straight," He said as he grabbed my hand and walked me out of the car. When they called out our names we went to room 23.

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