Chapter 14 (Bakugou's P.O.V.)

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I nervously smile as I caress his cheek and gently bring him in a kiss

concluding our marriage. Everyone applauds and celebrates once we break away. I take his hand and lead him down the aisle so people can follow us to the party grounds. Once we get there, Kaminari starts up music as Tokoyami and Tsu help bring out the food. I let go of Shoto's hand so he could go to his friends and so Shoto wouldn't be tackled by my friends. Shoto walked over to his friends.

"Hey Bakugou, We got you something for a wedding gift," Sero said. I looked at him after getting up from the friend tackle confused. He grabs my wrist and leads me further down the grassy lawn.

"Where the hell are you leading me?" I asked right when Kirishima put

a blind fold over my eyes. I was about to yell and blast them when I felt Mina's smaller hands push me down the hill making small grass stains on my white suit.

"Congratulations bro! You're finally married!" Kirishima yells from on top

of the hill.

"Go on! Take off the blind fold!" Mina yells. I make a "tch" noise as I sit

up and take off the blind fold. When I did, I didn't understand why. I stood up and threw my arms in the air angry because they kinda ruined my clothes.

"You had to push down the hill!?" I yelled at them, but they didn't seem

fazed, like usual. Instead they kept smiling and yelling as they pointed behind me. I let out an irritated sigh before I turned around to see the back end of some sort of large black box. Confused and curious I started to move to the side to get a better look. 'Please tell me they didn't buy what I think they bought,' I thought as the large "box" came more into view. Once I made it all the way around, my eyes almost popped out of my head. A large black truck stood parked right behind the hill. My group of friends started to laugh as they ran down the hill.

"Do you like it man? It was my idea and then everyone in our group did

a little to pitch in on paying that baby off," Kirishima smiles his toothy grin. I look at him and shake my head no.

"No, I can't accept this," I started to say before Mina slapped my back.

"Of course you are, and you will," she said.

"Think of it as not only a Congratulation gift, but a thank you gift for

being such a good friend," Kirishima said, making everyone else in the squad nod their heads. I look at all of them one by one before looking away.

"You all suck," I start to say, hearing them either chuckle or giggle.

"Thanks nerds," I finish. They continued to chuckle when Kirishima called my name, catching my attention. I looked over at him as he threw the keys at me. I caught them when he spoke,

"I hope that truck comes in handy in the future," he says smiling. I grin

at my friends trying not to cry.

"Thanks Kirishima," I respond. Once the squad and I finished messing

around, we started to make our way back to the party and the food table. When we got there, the old hag almost punched me on the back of my head because "I" got my nice clothes dirty. I shrug her off and then go to the food table to get water from all that running and walking.

"Katsuki?" I heard someone ask behind me. I put my cup down and

turn around only to find my new "wife".

"Hey baby, what can I get for you?" I ask him as I started to turn around to

grab my cup, but he grabbed me and lightly pulled on my clothes.

"What happened to your clothes? It's only been two hours," he asked. I

chuckled, bending over giving him a kiss.

"The squad pushed me down the hill on the way to show me our

wedding present," I responded. He giggled as he walked over next to me grabbing a plate of marshmallows and strawberries to put under the chocolate fountain.

"What did they get us?" He asked as he dipped his food under the


"A truck, for when we come back from our honeymoon," I responded.

Shoto looked up at me surprised and happy at the same time.

"Aw, they didn't have to do that," he says as he walks back over to me

with his plate of newly covered chocolate goodies. "Want some?" He asks me as he stabs a marshmallow with a small wooden stick. I smile and nod.

"Sure," I respond, leaning on the table a bit so he wouldn't have to

reach so high. Shoto then started to put the marshmallow in my mouth, until he decided to spread the chocolate all over my face until the marshmallow dropped on my clothes and then the floor. I look down on the floor and then look back at him, flashing him a devilish grin and chuckle.

"Oh it's on," I said as I grab a slice of pie on a paper plate and chuck it

in his direction. Shoto dodged it quickly which made the pie splat all over All Might. He turned around, sneakily grabbing his plate in the process and said,

"Young man, it is rude to throw food at your elders. But since it's your

wedding, I'll make an exception," throwing the food in my direction, making me dodge and hitting my mother. I try not to laugh as food dripped off her hair and clothes. 'He's dead' I thought as she stomped her foot, revealing her angry eyes and chucking more food at All Might. This causes Present Mic to stand up from his seat and yell "food fight"! After he said that almost everyone got up from their seat and started throwing food at each other until everyone was dirty.

When the food fight ended, Momo and Iida instructed everyone to go

into the changing rooms to change their clothes before the dance party for tonight. Everyone walked to the changing rooms laughing and competing with other people saying that they won or lost.

Once everyone was changed and the food was cleaned up, everyone

made their way to the outside dance floor. When the music started, thanks to Jiro and Kaminari, everyone started to dance. Before a slow song popped up I took Shoto's hand and started to lead him to a private dance floor, so we could dance together, just the two of us. When we got there, the slow song started and I bowed, stretching out my hand for him to take it.

"May I have this dance?" I asked him, making him giggle.

"Sure," he responded, taking my hand. I stand up straighter, wrapping

both arms around his waist allowing him to lean on me as we sway and make small talk. Even when the slow song ended, we stayed in the position we were in and continued to sway as we talked. We stayed together basically the rest of the party until we started to say goodbye to everyone because we had to catch a flight to our honeymoon place. Before we left Kirishima stopped by my window of the taxi to talk to me.

"Hey man, have a good time. I'll park your truck right in front of your

house for when you get home," he starts, I nod and thank him, "have fun bro! Don't knock him up," he said teasingly. I look back at Shoto and respond to Kirishima, "I won't make any promises." Once we all said goodbye, we were off to our honeymoon destination.

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