Chapter 32 (Katsuki's P.O.V.)

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Shoto is 9 months pregnant now, he's had a rough time sleeping for a couple of days. So I decided to help him by staying up.

"Why won't they stop kicking....?" Shoto exasperated. I pat his head softly.

"They're gonna be out and seeing the world soon. Just be patient. My Love," I said, rubbing Shoto's belly. He yawned and then fell asleep. I chuckle and snuggle my husband. Knowing my husband hasn't gotten a lot of sleep lately, I decided to take it upon myself to stay up through the nights and make sure he's getting his rest. Work and sleep was the last thing I was worrying about. Of course, staying up night after night was hard but, having twins and a person's stomach must've felt worse. Once we have our children, work will allow me to have a couple of weeks off so I can help take care of the kids and Shoto. 'I hope he gets more rest tonight than he did last night' I thought to myself as I sat next to his sleeping form.

A couple of times during the night Shoto would start to stir awake, but I just reach my arms around his waist and stomach, rubbing the areas where I feel them kicking. Most of the time it works, but tonight, Shoto quickly woke up, sitting up in bed. I looked over from the desk I was sitting in to meet with a face of tears and horror. I jump up and run to him.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" I ask frantically. Shoto looks up at me trying not to cry, as he reaches for my hand. I give it to him and he immediately squeezes it tightly.

"It hurts... my stomach hurts," he said brokenly. I try not to show fear in my eyes for him as tears run down his face. I use my other hand and wipe his tears away.

"I... I think t-they're-w-wanting to c-come out," Shoto said sniffing and trying to stand up. I follow his movements and help him stand up. Right, when he stood up he winced and crossed his legs making whimpering and small groans of pain.

"D-Did your water just break?" I ask as I more hurriedly moved both of us out the door. Shoto just nods and stumbles out of the apartment. As we were in the car I called the hospital that we were coming and to meet us halfway. When I ended the call I let Shoto hold my hand as he tried to get the pain under control, until we got to the hospital and they carried him away in a stretcher to start the operation. Thankfully I was able to stay with him during the operation. Shoto was trying so hard not to cry from all the pain, Shoto grabbed my hand as he started to push.

It's been 7 hours since the first baby girl came out. Now it was just the little baby boy, Shoto was already extremely exhausted but determined to see his little children's faces. He took my free hand and started to push, and let out an exhausted sigh. There was a tiny little cry from all the silence and worry. The nurse handed me the other baby all clean, I gently rocked him to sleep. Shoto looked over to me, his eyes droopy and tired. It was 9 am in the morning, and I could tell Shoto wanted to see his babies but he needed rest first before he did anything.

"My love, you need sleep. I'll keep our little babies safe. I promise," I told Shoto. He nodded slowly as he soon drifted off asleep. I smiled and looked down at our little babies. The baby girl had tiny pieces of pink hair, the baby boy had tiny pieces of hair that had hints of red and most of it was blonde. They were beautiful. I felt the baby girl squirm, her blanket started to fall till her tiny little hand was bare. She started to cry, I wondered why because she was perfectly fine. Then the baby boy started to cry, and then the baby girl grabbed a hold of her brother's hand that sprung out of the blanket. They both stopped crying and fell asleep in my arms. I sighed, as the worry soon left me.

When the worry left, I looked at both of our children and smiled lightly. As I wanted to cry my tears of joy, I held it back. 'They're both so ugly and beautiful at the same time,' I thought to myself as both of them were sleeping in my arms. As much as an eye magnet the kids are, I rested my eyes on my husband making sure he's sleeping soundly and no mishaps. Besides, he needs his sleep more than anything. I don't mind the fact that I'm exhausted as well, because I'll be able to sleep these next couple of weeks, thanks to the break. It's been 3 hours since Shoto has slept, and he looks a lot better now than earlier. His heterochromia eyes opened lightly,

"B-baby?" His voice was raw from his screaming earlier. I looked up from our babies and smiled at him.

"Hey love," I said, handing him the baby boy. He looked down and his face was the purest. He was smiling with joy. He lightly kissed his son's cheek,

"What shall we name them?" I ask. Shoto looked at both of them and smiled.

"How about this little angel, His name will be Keith," He said, with a smile. I looked down at our daughter.

"This little devil will be Kim," I said. Shoto looked at me with a confused look in his eyes.

"What? She looks and might act like a devil but with a cute name," I said trying to save myself from the mother that birthed these kids. I'll admit, Shoto can be scary if he wanted to be, and now that we have kids his protectiveness and scary-ness might escalate. Shoto looked at me and squinted his eyes, then looked back down at Keith.

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