Chapter 15 ( Shoto's P.O.V.)

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Katsuki and I, We were on an Airplane for a long time, so long that I started to feel tired, so I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him move the armrest out of the way so he could sit closer to me, to make us more comfortable. I fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up, Katsuki was tapping my shoulder gently.

"It's time to wake up Baby," He said. I blink a couple times as I nod and slowly stand up from the seat. I grabbed my bag, and held Katsuki's hand. We both got off the airplane, the sunlight slightly gleaming through the windows. We walked out grabbing our bags on the way then getting a taxi to the surprise. Katsuki didn't tell me where we were staying but he said it was a surprise. Looking out the window there were palm trees and sand.

"Baby? Where are we going?" I ask him as I turn to him, but I find out that he fell asleep. I smile softly and lightly kiss his cheek. I go back to looking outside the window.

When we got there the Taxi came to a screeching halt. I look away from the window as I tap Katsuki on the shoulder.

"Baby. We're here," I say gently tapping Katsuki's shoulder. He stirred awake. He looked out the window before stepping out of the car to grab our bags.

"Go on ahead in that direction, I'll catch up. I want you to see where I'm

taking you," he said pointing the direction of a cliff. I trusted him and walked over to the edge, only to see a large beach house. It was the only house there surrounded by beautiful cliffs and the ocean. I couldn't help but feel surprised as I smiled. Katsuki caught up to me with the little bags we had and grinned at me.

"C'mon, let's go inside," he said as he started walking down the small

trail on the cliff down to the house. When we got there and he unlocked the door for me, I walked in looking around the house with a smile on my face.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Yes, it's so beautiful," I respond as I walk back to him kissing his cheek

and helping him carry the bags.

"The bedroom is upstairs," he said as I started to make my way up

stairs. When I opened the door to the bedroom, I almost dropped the bags. The room was really big with a small balcony to the side. I walked in, slowly putting our bags on the bed still looking up and down in the room. I hear I chuckle from the door only to see Katsuki watching me.

"This is be-- I can't find the words to say," I say to him with a smile.

"I thought you might like it," he responded, as he walked in putting the

rest of the bags on the bed. He then walked over to me and began to kiss me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it before he broke away.

"Go on, go and explore, I'll stay here and unpack for a bit, before I join

you," he said, releasing me from his grasp. I nod and smile and explore the beach house. I explored the bathroom which had a big walk-in closet and a big shower. Then I wandered downstairs to the kitchen which had a beautiful island with bar stools. When I finished my adventure Katsuki joined me downstairs.

"What would you like to eat for our first night together?" He asked as he

walked into the kitchen. I walk over to him and give him a back hug.

"Soba sounds wonderful," I respond. I felt him move from under me, I

looked up when he switched his body to face me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"Soba?" He asked. I nodded and smiled, he then smile too and bent

down to kiss me.

"Anything for you my love," he said, cupping my cheeks and kissing my

forehead. I smile and let go so he can start cooking. I attempted to help him but he pushed me out of the kitchen and told me to sit and sit on the couch.

When dinner was ready he called me in and he dished me up my

noodles just how I like them. I smiled and thanked him as I started to eat my food. Once dinner was over, I helped him clean up. Katsuki would wash the dishes and then I would dry the bowls and plates.

After we finished cleaning dinner, we decided together that we would

take a little dip in the ocean before we head off the bed. I'll be honest, the water was kinda cold at night, but being with Katsuki made me feel warm and happy. So much that I forgot about the coldness of the water. We would splash each other for a bit and play with each other, until we saw the moon peek it's head from the cliff. Katsuki held me from behind and swayed me a little as we watched the moon rise. I smiled as I felt his strong arms wrap around me.

When we finished swimming, we both headed inside and quickly ran to

the bathroom so we could dry off. One we dried off enough, we both started to make our way upstairs to the bedroom. When we made it Katsuki started to gather both of our wet clothes so we could take a shower and head to bed.

Once we changed and into our pajamas, Katsuki and I headed to the

bed, to get some rest for the next day. When we both were in bed, I moved my way over to him and laid my head on his chest as he put his hands on my waist and hips. He also rested his chin on top of my head.

"Goodnight sho," he whispered to me lovingly. I smiled and snuggled

and closer to him.

"Goodnight," I responded just as quiet, as we both started to slip into a

short dark slumber.

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